Evidence Base Practice

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Evidence Base Practice

Evidence-Based Forensic Nursing Practice

“Evidence-Based Forensic Nursing Practice: Benefits and Challenges” Written by Louanne Lawson, published in Journal of Forensic Nursing in the Spring of 2006.

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Many of the health and science disciplines prefer forensic area as one of the most popular choices to conduct health research upon. Nursing in forensics is a special kind of nursing domain which specializes to cater those patients who are present at the interface of clinical legal affairs pretaining to specifcally those patient that are present as offenders or victims of accidrnts.

Nursing development with specialty in education pertain itself to the fact of developing historical perspectives infused with literature review to identify the victims amongst the patients. In the past three decades multiple scholars and advocates have raised their voices for the development of educational programs in the field of forensics but it did not translate into educational ciriculums very soon. Literature provided sufficient evidence that forensic nursing educational programs did not provide any kind of role development for the nurses.


Background Information

As forensic science is a field which is vastly related to examine the clausses behind victims and accidents and the key role expected from the nurses of forensic science is to examine the duly happened reasons due to which an accident took place. In this context many of the reseachers have prvided many data in this field and simialr to this context is the work of thw writter which is to be reviwed who anlayzes the benfitts of forensic nursing specially in the field of crime solving.

The paper has been researched upon various databses and similar papers were also occupied. As many of the terms of search provided sufficient knowledge about singularity and conjunction for forensic nurses. The terms were similar as all dealt with forensic nursing and the keywords were somewhat like the following terms forensic nursing education, forensic research, forensic sure development, and other similar terms. The search for courses for forensic nurses was not limited to a singular database in fact multiple databases were adhered like Proquest, EPSCO, Ovid, and Medline.

Review of the Literature

The review of the literature provides with an clear idea to any of the readers that the paper primarily basis itself upon the reality that forenisc nurses mainly deal with the expert testimony in cases of rape victims and sexual assaults. In order to secure them and provide them with their rights it is a nerccessity to advance as much as possible with the field of forensic nursing.

The paper deals with the issues of realization why it has becom necessary to ensure that maximum users are able to avheive the tasks of evidential use io nthe field of forensics. Simialrly it identifes what a nurses prime respoinsibilitesa are and how a commno nurses skills vastly dioffer from the skills a forensic nurse posses. It further unveisl the methedology of how spread maximum forensic knowledge amongst teachers.

Forensic Nursing similar to any other educational programs requires a certain element of awareness for the students to ...
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