Evidence-Based Practice

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Evidence-Based Practice & Applied Nursing Research

Evidence-Based Practice & Applied Nursing Research


Research in Nursing values both quantitative and qualitative research. The quasi-experimental research, descriptive and qualitative are important for science and nursing practice. Quantitative research adequately address questions about cause, prognosis, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and health care costs and qualitative research answers questions arising from the meaning of the illness experience and understanding of the patient's feelings about the effects of interventions delivered. Thus, the findings of qualitative and quantitative research are complementary and should be used according to the research topic.

Evidence Based Practice (EBP) has its beginnings in medicine, in its infancy in Canada since the discipline of clinical epidemiology, where the group of Sackett, in the late 70's, trying to incorporate research clinical decision making for patients. Another Canadian group led by Guyatt in the 90 promoted the use of research-based mathematical statistics as evidence. At the same time the gap between the books and periodical literature, the variability in clinical care in patients with the same disease, the spacings between the scientific and clinical practice, and the gap between research and practice facilitated the birth of this new paradigm. Evidence-Based Nursing is further developed in English speaking countries, initially taking the positivist framework of Medicine. In recent years there have been various definitions of EBE. EBE is the process by which nurses make clinical decisions using the best available evidence supported the research, clinical experience and patient preferences in the context of available resources. EBE is conscientious, explicit and judicious use of information derived from the theory-based research, for making decisions about providing care to individuals or groups taking into account their individual preferences and needs.

Using conscious and explicit, from the world of thought of the nurses, the advantages offered by the positivist model of synthesis of the literature of EBM, as part of a critical, reflexive and phenomenological such that visible health perspectives invisible by the hegemonic thinking. These two paradigms, positivism and qualitative, give us the possibility of opening on the evidence that will be needed for informed decision making in the nursing task. This decision making requires knowledge and manage the elements and stages that make evidence-based practice and the barriers and strategies presented in its implementation.


The SBP has a working method consists of five consecutive steps. In the first, a question arising from the problem, doubt or uncertainty we want to solve. This question must have a structure that clearly identifies the individual or population or problem situation, the usual intervention address the problem, the new intervention and finally to consider the effect or expected result (Berman & Kozier, 2008). To meet the second stage, we must seek the best answer to our question on sources of information available to us, that would be the books and texts also called stable knowledge, periodicals, electronic databases, knowledge bases specific PBE and finally the Internet to be used by an analysis of the quality of the sites visited and the information contained ...
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