Event Planning

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Event Planning

Event Planning


We will like to furnish the following proposal for holding an Arts Festival. It will be a three day outdoor event, held from Friday to Sunday and we expect to receive around 10,000 visitors. We will be holding this event in the day timings and on Sunday it will go till late night. This report will provide the details of the event, its feasibility and attractiveness. Its SWOT and PEST analysis, and risk assessment. It will also have the segmentation of the target market which we will be targeting. This report also includes the list of suppliers being selected for the event and will be explain the reason for their choice. It also includes the comprehensive site plan with colour codes.

Arts Festival (Journey of Art through Time)

We will be holding this event at Hyde Park London. The reason for selecting this location is due the history of this park and it significance over time. Our event will be giving a royal treatment to art and to and by art overtime. We will be expressing how art has motivated us, inspired us and served the expression of our feelings and thoughts. We will also hold some activities on final day, for example a concert combining all the performances of music to attract the customers (Shone & Parry, 2004). The festival will have products up for sales besides exhibition at different stalls and at the “Art Shop”. The performances will be scheduled keeping in view the overlapping of interest of people and the timings will be put on website along with other event details so that the people can “Like” their interest and plan their visit accordingly. We will also showing movies in open air cinema at night on all three days against tickets. We will also exhibit the body paintings and makeup's historic, past and presents perspectives.

Our Theme

Our theme will be “Journey of Art through Time”. It will showcase the different contributions and expressions made by art in the areas of theatre, dance, music, graphic art and paintings. Categorizes for the themes will be:

Historic Art, it will consist of notable contributions made in our selected areas from history up till 20th Century.

The Past, we will highlight the prominent contributions made in the 20th century.

The Present, We will focus on the latest works done by artists from the start of the 21st century.

The Future, it will be creative initiative of the organizers. It will feature blank canvases and blank note books. Here visiting artist will draw and write the future as they imagine it would be. The time lines will be 25 years, 50 years and 100 years. Only the authors will see what they are drawing or writing and these writing and drawings will then be sealed and locked away according to their time lines and will be displayed in future when their time comes. The art will be presented for auction on its revelation and the profit proceeds will be divided into ...
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