Event Manager

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Event Manager

Table of Contents



Corporate events:3

Traditional Corporate events:3

Expanded market of corporate events:4

Importance of planning:4

Overall panning of an event:5

Stages of planning an event:8

Leadership skills and action to administer an event:9

Organizing and develop the team for event management:9

Importance of team coordination and communication:10

Communication systems for managing and mentoring an event:11




Table 1: An outline for the overall planning of an event14

Event Manager


Strong social and economic benefits are generated by events, and the industry of event managements is being progressively acknowledged throughout the world as a professional entity (Bowdin, et.al, 2001, Pp. 15-39). An event could be related to politics, business, entertainment, culture or sport. As per Getz (1997) definitions events could be distinguished through their size (such as level of media coverage, number of visitors), their frequency and duration, their economic impact on the host region, and the occasion (business event, cultural event, sports event, etc.). The events' size is frequently positively linked to its impact on the hosting society. One may categorize an event as business event, cultural event, sporting event, and special event. Special event could be classified as “an infrequently occurring or one-time occurring event outside the regular activities or program of the organizing or sponsoring body” and “to the guest or customer… as a chance for a cultural, leisure or social experience beyond everyday experiences or outside the normal range of choices” (Getz, 1997, Pp. 4). This paper discusses event management in a holistic context.


The event management is the process of design, planning and production of conferences, festivals, ceremonies, festivals, conventions or other meetings, each of which can have different purposes.

As suggested by the academic literature (Getz, 2008, Pp. 403-428; Gelan, 2003, Pp. 406-425; Bowdin, et.al, 2001, Pp. 15-39) that an event may have both negative and positive impacts on the industry and economy, local environment, and stakeholders of the host area. An event brings about potential advantages into the following areas:

Regional and Local Economy;


Destination and City Marketing;

Social Benefits;

Urban Development and Regeneration, and

Costs and Negative Impacts (Allen, 2000, Pp. 5-23).

Corporate events:

Big and small companies have in a similar way realized the benefits that are attained from hosting and holding corporate events. Whilst, the grounds for having corporate events and styles of the events and their structures might differ from industry to industry; corporate event could assist in speeding up a firm's business success and growth despite of its size. And as a company develops in stature and size, so does their need for holding and hosting corporate events.

Traditional Corporate events:

The following are the types of conventional corporate events:

Trade shows;

Employee appreciation events;

Corporate shows;



Client appreciation events,

Business meeting, and

Board meetings.

Expanded market of corporate events:


Special events;

Product placement;

Product launches;

Naming rights;

Premium programs and incentive travel;

Gala fundraising events;

Executive retreats, and

Custom training seminars including physical and emotional challenges (Allen, 2000, Pp. 5-23).

Importance of planning:

Planning is a typical activity of human cognition, which incorporates the intellectual formulation of prospect states of situations. There is a significant difference between general problem solving and planning, further there is also variance between well-structured planning and ill-structured ...
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