Event Management

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Event Management

Executive Summary

Welcome to the future of happening designing! Occasions, The Event Planning Specialists, brings to the community of Portland a new wind of air in the event designing market. By blending old fashioned values, going the extra mile, and utilising chopping edge event-planning programs, events will lead the market, providing the same quality outcomes, every time.

Occasions is an identical opportunity enterprise making its expertise and its goods available to help its customers design their own happenings. Party Packs (complete kits for their event), make hosting a party a break, right down to the refreshments. The happening designing programs brings interactive happening designing as close as their individual computer. Through these and other affordable goods and services, events aims to be the number one asset for any event.

Company Summary

Founded originallyl on a part-time cornerstone, events is a small business conceived to rendezvous the desires of the ever altering social world. Portland, Oregon is the present dwelling with designs to expand to agency agencies inside four years. Occasions' employees of two, with numerous agreement vendors, designs events, composes event-planning goods, and teaches area students in the art of event planning. Occasions is bought into in the community it resides in.

Occasions is, in part, the answer to claims of the communal world, on the employed family, heavily-burdened agency, out-of-town business, or exceptional event in need of exceptional recognition. As a enterprise, we realise the desires of public and personal organizations. As parents and family members, we realise the needs of setting exceptional time apart from other events in our lives. Occasions strives to complete these goals, in Portland and eventually other localities of the Pacific Northwest.

2.1 Company Ownership

Occasions is established as a sole proprietorship with the intention of trading the business when it is established to one of the workers bought into in the vision of event planning. All facets of the enterprise will be documented to ensure purchasers can enumerate on the identical results every time. It is these documents that will become the cornerstone of ownership. The sole proprietor will use his or her title as the guarantor of each service. Therefore, the sole proprietor should embody the dream and mission of Occasions.

2.2 Start-up Summary

Through very cautious designing on the part of the founders, the start-up costs for Occasions are minimal. It began as a home-based enterprise with little overhead, and it extends to demand less outlay of capital as a service-based business. The start-up cost buying into capital were assets saved from prior profits by the proprietors who did happening designing on a part-time cornerstone before establishing themselves as a business.

It is the desire of the founders to stay a debt-free establishment. However, recognizing that in truth not all variables are controllable, out-of-doors financing is a viable option. Both founders own dwellings and have a perfect borrowing rating.

2.3 business Locations and Facilities

Occasions is established interior the city bounds of Portland, Oregon. It is a home-based business. Most meetings with clients are undertook in communal backgrounds, such as bistros, coffee ...
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