Event Management

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Foundation of event management

Executive summary

Managing an event and making sure that it leaves a lasting effect in the minds of the visitors, is not an easy job for the managers. It requires a great deal of understanding of the people and training the staff that deals with the people. Managing the crowd is everything. Management must ensure that proper arrangements are done for managing the crowd. People tend to get out of control during events such as sports. For this the management must ensure that there are proper security arrangements being made. There must be activities to keep the visitors go through the waiting time. There must be staff present for guiding the visitors where to go and how to follow the instructions. The idea is to promote a product or a company; this is true for those events that are organized for the corporate and big businesses. Events that are not formal focus more on the entertainment aspect.



Crowd Management5

Experience form these two events7





Foundation of event management


An event can be a happening, experience and an occurrence. Events can be of two types; planned events and special events. The former are occurrences at a temporary basis, having a beginning and an end that are predetermined. The later is a onetime activity. It is an event that doesn't happen frequently. Event management is basically all about managing a project. It refers to the development and creation of events, conferences and festivals. It involves the study of a brand in detail, coordinating all the aspects that are technical in nature, targeting the audience, planning the logistics and developing the very concept of an event altogether, before actually launching it. An event for an individual can only mean his image to him, if it's a small one, however for organizations that focus more on marketing and promotion, events can mean that both their image and financial gains are at stake, (Allen, 2011).

Returns on investments and aftermath analysis of an event are essential drivers of any event industry. One thing is for sure, that the management can't choose to be ad hoc, due to the rise in the events and festivals in the recent years. Festivals and events, such as the Olympics play an essential influence on the local communities, and the world for that matter. The event management industry shows a growing trend. It now includes festivals and events of all statures, from Asian games to a dinner meetings.

Events are also conducted by various organizations that work for charities and fund raising. Events are done by such organizations to market themselves. Business organizations consider event management as an essential tool for communicating and marketing. It is used by the companies for promoting their image and marketing their products in the market. Events are organized by the companies so that there can be proper media coverage. The idea is to reach out to as many potential customers as possible. Organizations also tend to retain their existing customers through ...
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