Event Management

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Major Event Management

Major Event Management


The International Fashion Stylist Association is organizing a one day fashion event in London. The goal of the event is to promote creative talents, to stimulate creativity and to create new networking and employment opportunities. The name of the event has been suggested to be "Fashion Fiesta". 8th June, 2013 is the date suggested for the event. Event will feature the fashion related activity in London, a fashion show of the best local emerging designers and a networking dinner. "Fashion Fiesta" will be an invitation-only event and the target audience will consist of major fashion journalists, fashion bloggers, representatives of national fashion schools, famous fashion designers, fashion company managers, fashion entrepreneurs, local opinion leaders and local authorities. This is an event management plan which will include all the major aspects of the event "Fashion Fiesta". It will include the accommodation suggestions for all the guests coming in out of town, transfer plan and the vehicles needed and fashion related activity to be organized during the day on a sign-up basis. The venue of the event will also be looked upon in the report, as well as, the event agenda. An Event Marketing and Communication Plan in order to reach the target audience will also be included. A list of potential sponsors and suppliers will be included in the report. Furthermore, a realistic event budget and major risks in the event accompanying a contingency plan will be included. Lastly, ways to measure the success of the event "Fashion Fiesta" will be provided.


Name and Date of the Event

The name of the event has been suggested to be "Fashion Fiesta". The name of the event is an attractive and an appealing one. It will make the people hearing the name curious about what the event will all be about. Furthermore, the details will not be disclosed to everybody, which will increase the interest and the curiosity in "Fashion Fiesta". Fiesta has been suggested as this event is going to be like a one day carnival, where all the best people of the fashion industry will be showcasing their talent and will be socializing with each other. This is not to forget that there will not be any fun element in the event. The "fun" side of the event will also be taken care of by the event management team. The word "Fiesta" will make the attendants, as well as, the other people know that the event is much more than just a show where models walk the ramp, people applaud and go back to their homes. This event will stay in the minds of the fashion gurus, as well as, the fashion industry for a long time.

Now coming to the date of the event. The date has been set to be June 8th, 2013. There were a number of things to consider while deciding upon the date. June 8th, 2013 is Saturday. The first things considered was that the date of the event should fall on the ...
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