Evaluative Essay

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Evaluative Essay

Evaluative Essay


This discussion will critically analyze and evaluate the argument of the target article. The article chosen for this purpose is Fewer People Would Mean Fewer Worries by Allen Greer, published in The Australian (Greer, 2008). In order to do so adequately, the discussion will attempt to make use of detailed methods of argument analysis and evaluation that have been practiced and developed during this course.

Analysis and Evaluation

The article selected (and mentioned above) takes a position in which the author draws attention to the threat of population on the stability of the environment (Greer, 2008). The author begins by drawing attention to the extensive volume of research that has demanded on improving technology and cutting corners in order to help sustain the environment and to reduce the strain on limited resources. This is followed by immediately asking the reader to consider an approach that can best be defined as a gun-shot solution (Govier, 2010; Healy & Dix, 2013). In the perspective of the author, the recommended solution is suggested to be capable of addressing the world's environment related problems at a grass-root level.

The article can also be considered to be a somewhat selfish article. In fact, in the same vein, it would not be incorrect to state that the school of thought that supports the arguments made in this article is essentially associated with a selfish generic perception at best (Greer, 2008). This assertion is based on the fact that any individual who thinks that reducing the population can bring about an improvement in the general state of affairs that is currently causing damage to the plant, will not be willing to give up his/her own existence if given the option to become some of the people who are to be (hypothetically) erased from existence altogether (Govier, 2010; Healy & Dix, 2013).

The fact of the matter is that a search to find individuals who would not be willing to exist will turn up dry since the world is a treasure trove and life is a process that is best spent findings and taking advantage of the earned treasures. Reducing the population is an argument that is frequently made in research studies and other periodical articles (Greer, 2008). However, there is a need to understand that in retrospect, every individual has the right to be born and to live life and to experience the world in all its glory. In fact, depriving the world of growing population can be considered to be equivalent to depriving the world of new ideas.

In this regard, this discussion insists that while the author of the article in question has his heart in the right place, the approach that has been adopted is essentially misdirected. The concern should focus on increasing the productivity derived from each individual rather than looking to eliminate said individual from the equation altogether (Greer, 2008). In the process of doing so, the author considers a number of measures and methods that have acquired popularity as potential solutions for the ...
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