The value of education lies in the fact that it is an essential tool for cultivating the necessary human qualities, adequate historical reality. The current teaching contributes to the enhanced development of the personality qualities such as the ability to quickly adapt to any changes, independence, initiative, interpersonal skills, sense of independence (Fisher, 99). The paper discuses the learning outcomes of the pedagogical study modules. It evaluates the support provided to children thorough these modules and the consideration fro future course outline and activities.
Activity 1.2 (a)
The first activity went for improving the emotional and social attachment of children wit the things around them. It developed a curiosity about processes' and things; children take pleasure in learning creative skills. The activity involved a critical incident which happened as one of the children became distracted by a helicopter which was not near but could be heard by the child.
This activity taught t the feasibility of in door learning to avoid distractions. I analyzed this situation using the Gibb's reflective cycle which allowed and understanding of what is the most information grabbing learning environment. Reflective practice is the capacity to reflect on an action that is engaged in the process of continuous learning which is one of the professional practices of pedagogy (Brown, 101).
In addition to this evaluation, the second activity was to make children aware about plants. The basic learning outcome of this activity was to make the children aware about seeds and plant growth. Children used the muscle movement, hands and eye coordination by learning to seed and water the plants. Children learnt about how things happen in the form of plant growing activity. Children showed keen interest towards filling their water cans and watering the plants every morning (Brown, 101). The visit to garden centre facilitated the learning of various plant species which made the children attached to plant growing and caring. The fundamental objective of this activity was to make children extend and enrich their experience about the natural phenomenon, refine their representation about them and modes of exchange with the natural world that allows them to explore and better care. The knowledge gained by the activities of nature can be exploited in other areas. Children can express through music, visual arts and language as a result of contact with the environment (Tobias, 25).
Activity 1.2 (b)
Activity 2 This activity was carried out late in the afternoon and in reflection I think I should have carried it out in the morning when the children were more alert especially the babies also to try and get the frog spawn to be on the display so as the children could observe the changes as when we went to the welsh harp they had no frog spawn. This was the only time my mentor could come to observe me. Everyone learnt the song and enjoyed playing with the resources which were left out. The activity was carried out in the late afternoon, and in my opinion, it was ...