Evaluation Of Material Sources

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Evaluation of Material Sources

Evaluation of Material Sources


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the different academic based websites, and develop the main idea which the websites have presented. The paper also makes comparison on the concepts of the different websites. Thus, this paper is actually a reflection of the different ideas presented by the different educational websites and compares them.


The paper is a reflection of the description of the content of websites which are the academic websites. The paper discusses the concept which has been presented in the websites and makes comparison of the websites with the content of the other websites.

Target Audience

The main target audience for this paper is the other students. Through this paper, the information about different websites is communicated to different students.

What is being Communicated

The main purpose of this paper is to communicate the major differences between the concepts presented in the different websites.

Importance of the Information for different Readers

This information will be very helpful for the other students. They will learn the ways through which the comparisons can be made between the concepts presented in the websites. They will also learn the actual concepts which have been presented in the websites.

Following are the main ten academic websites which are to be evaluated in this paper:

1) Financial resources, articles, concepts and opinions from…

QFINANCE is an informative website which is comprised of the unique alliance of almost 300 of the world's leading practitioners and visionaries in the subject of finance. This website includes the specialized professionals of financial management, and provides a wide range of the cross-referenced resources which have ample information to satisfy the hungriest of minds. The URL of this website is http://www.qfinance.com. The author of this website is Wasserman, N, and the website is titled as financed.com. The page is Qfinance and the organizations are also (qfinance). QFINANCE serves as a website which provides the guide to the finance professionals including the trainee accountants, CFOs and the finance managers. This website is also informative for the students for the purpose of gaining the academic knowledge and information. The website provides information about the key aspects of finance including the auditing, risk and cash flow management, capital raising, operations, and macro issues. QFINANCE is available to the people all over the world and anyone can get access to the valuable financial content on free basis. The main creators of this website are Bloomsbury Information Ltd which in partnership with Qatar Financial Centre Authority has created QFINANCE. The content of the website is also available in the form of a referenced book.

The website is very professionally designed including the different sections of the financial best practice articles and financial viewpoints. It also includes different sections about the market news, and the different financial concepts. Thus, this website is a very informative website which is meant to provide the valuable financial information to the people who are interested in the financial field. Thus, it can be said that ...
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