The senior Design Project design offered by Johns Hopkins University is a unique project that based on two semesters that operated under Mechanical Engineering program. The main essence of the project is that students work in small teams and they assigned with specific design challenges and the instructors are there to guide the students to tackle difficult situations, as the difficult challenges are presented by the industry, non-profit organizations and government. Similarly, the sponsors of the projects provide the teams with the funds and assistance to reach the world resources in order to carry out the project successfully. In this regard, every team that assigned with a problem ultimately present conceptualize novel solution to the sponsor's problem and on the basis of presented solution, teams design, construct and tests a real world prototype.
Another best part of the project is that the basic requirement of the project for the students is to draw upon the four years of knowledge and information that they gained from the engineering degree and thus put that knowledge into practical use. Secondly, the students are required to produce different progress reports based on their projects that how they design, construct, build and test the approaches and devices they are actually developing (JHU, 2013). Thus, by combining engineering theory in accordance with budgeting and time management and also interactions with real clients and senior design projects enhance the hidden skills and capabilities of the students.
Importance of the project
As it is very much evident from the project background, the project provides deep insight knowledge and experience of mechanical engineering theory and with practical experience help the students to get industry know how.
Purpose for the Project
As already stated above that purpose of the project is ...