Evaluation Models

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Evaluation Models

Evaluation Models

An Overview of Humanistic and Scientific Evaluation Method

We will be discussing two types of approaches to evaluation in this paper. These include scientific and humanistic evaluation approach. Humanistic approach says that human being is different from other species that are living in this world and therefore they should be not be treated or evaluated like animals. Animals have certain characteristics like they do not have any liabilities which they have to look after not they are responsible to pay the rights of other people. Being human means that the people will be affected by their environment and they have their own rights and liabilities. Human being also follows rules and regulation and therefore they have certain characteristics which differentiate them from animals. While talking about the evaluation approach we can observe that, human being must be evaluated on the basis of the environment and conditions they are going through while in scientific approach human behavior is sometimes neglected (Zald, 1993). Humanistic approach says that evaluation should not be only on the basis of strict deadlines or strict regulations as human being and its performance is affected by the environment they are living. Scientific approach says that the performance of human being should be according to the rules and regulations and they must achieve their targets by hook or crook. Humanistic approach says that every human being has some limitations which restricts and affects its performance and in order to perform better human should be provided with certain conditions. This also means that the evaluation is made on the basis of the conditions that are provided to the person to work (Zald, 1993).

Scientific approach of evaluation relies more on the use of resources and processes that are designed by the management in order to perform certain tasks. These evaluations are made on the basis of the procedures and policies only. This process at times neglects the human constraints as this totally relies that a person should perform according to his or her benchmark as defined by the procedures. The scientific methods of conducting certain tasks though depends upon the experiments that are made to find out which process and procedure is best to be adapted so that the resources can be utilized effectively and efficiently. This process has helped organizations to re-engineer their process and rapid increase in the quality of goods and services produce through scientific methods has been ...
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