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Evaluation and Planning of Health Related Program at Workplace

Evaluation and Planning of Health Related Program at Workplace


Health and wellbeing are greatly influenced by work, workload and workplace. Work has a direct impact on the mental health of the employees. Healthy and well-motivated workers have a strong impact on the production and effectiveness of a business. Health and wellbeing is the right of every employee and employers working in the organization. To ensure long term sustainability of competitive advantage of an organization the physical and mental health of workplace is a must.

At present in developed nations, the health of employees, wellbeing and protection is compromised on almost regular basis. Health related issues at workplace are prevailing due to increase in anxiety, apprehension, stress and depression. Poor health and wellbeing of an individual not only affects the family but is also damaging for the community and society.


Factors That Affects Health and Wellbeing of Workers

There are certain factors that directly influence the health and wellbeing of workers in a workplace. The factors can have a negative or positive impact on the workers relationship with the work. These factors are form of rapport that exists between managers and employees, work design, flexibility of work, and understanding of occupational health related issues. Organizations that have greater workloads and lean workforces deteriorate wellbeing. Inadequate awareness of occupational health related issues and lack of importance given to health and wellbeing of workforce at worksite weakens the ability to build extremely affianced and sustainable workforce that can protract competitive advantage of the organization (Harnois & Gabriel, 2000, p.1).

Effects of Poor Health on Organization

The consequences of ill health and wellbeing at workplace are expensive to companies and organizations. The expenditure includes loss of income for employees, extra expenses of dealing with illness or injury, costs of pain and distress. Absenteeism is one of the major issues that organizations have to confront due to poor health and wellbeing of patients. The impact of poor health and wellbeing in companies is evident through reduced productivity, high stress level, poor job satisfaction, increased occupational health related issues, high staff turnover (Harnois & Gabriel, 2000, p.1). Poor mental and physical health contributes to stigmatization that alters the overall personality of an individual working in an organization. The level of performance of such an employee decreases significantly which is why he tends to take more leave from work that affects the overall performance of the work unit.

Identification of Health Related Issues in Workplace

Work related stress is the biggest occupational health related issue. Stress, anxiety, depression, pressure of excessive work has adverse effects of mental health of individuals working in the organizations. The mental health related issues affect functional capacity and performance of employees in many ways. It significantly reduces working capacity of an individual. Mental health issues leads to CVD, disability and psychological issues ((Harnois & Gabriel, 2000, p.1).

Stress also contributes to other acute to chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart ...
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