European Union

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Topic: Enlargement of the EU & its Implications on Business

European Union

What are the implications for business operating at a national and regional level of the 2004 and 2007 enlargements of the European Union?

Introduction: Enlargement of the European Union

The European Union has continuously viewed and assessed the course of action of enlargement as a tremendous golden chance to enhance political steadiness and economic development and growth in Europe. Long time back that is since the year 2004, the European Union members have actually rapidly mounted from a numerical of 15 up to 27 countries, including states mostly of Central and Eastern Europe while also rewarding a momentous undertaking to advance the grouping of the European continent through extremely passive means. Researchers and various analysts challenge that the vigilantly managed progression of enlargement is one of the most powerful policy tools of the European Union (Edward, Thomas &, Pierpaolo 2008). Also as time has prevailed it has really assisted to change several European states into operating democracies and more prosperous countries (Miles, Redmond &, René, 1995).

The European Union upholds that the door of enlargement shall always readily remain open to those European countries which satisfy the European Union's membership criteria based of the political and economic specifications. While at the same time period, the European Union enlargement is a great political process in itself with mostly all vital steps being taken through the long way in order to attain and require the undisputed agreement of the on hand 27 member states. In this way, a potential European Union relationship among new entrants or disputes among individual member states shall very much influence a state's European Union agreement forecast and timeline. Succeeding United States Administrations and several other Members of the Congress have always supported the European Union amplification, considering that it works out the interests of the United States by giving a go ahead to the state of democracy and economic wealth and success all through the European continent. All throughout the years, the one imperative criticism by the United States is that of the European Union's enlargement progression has been with the aim of the Union being moving really gradually, specifically with regards to Turkey, on which Washington declares should have been supported strongly to Europe (Shaw, Kural & Ezel,1977) .

The year 2009 actually rocks and glazes the fifth anniversary of the greatest enlargement that the European Union had experienced till date ever. Glancing back into time, the European Union's enlargement course of action has been the single one of the European Union's most flourishing policies enhancing and giving way to peace and economic constancy all over the Europe continent. Aging over 50 years back with only six members in its court, the European Union of the modern era, following five enlargements afterwards, is constituted by 27 states which are its prestigious members and a populace consisting of approximately a 500 million people. Moreover, succession negotiations are in still in way with states like Croatia and Turkey, and several other Western ...
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