Discuss the process by which the EU came into existence and the steps in its development, including the steps and dynamics of its membership growth.
European Union Existence
Since the EU has exist, it has originally twelve members which involves United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany, Portugal, Nether land, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, Ireland, Denmark and Spain. It was created after Second World War The initial step was were towards the foster cooperation in economics, the major idea was to build this is to make countries independent economically who trade with another and more likely to avoid all the major conflicts that occur between these courtiers.
The name European Union was changing his name from European Economic Community (EEC) in year 1993. One of the key goal through which EU has exist is to promoting the human rights all around the world, Equality, Human rights, democracy, dignity, freedom, and the respect of laws for human rights are key preferences for this union. The EU Charter of fundamental rights and Treaty of Lisbon bringing their rights together in the single document and members of EU has agree to implement internal policies and external economic securities to achieve common welfare for their citizens. The EU has also established some respective standards which are common in the fields of social workers rights, admiring the cooperation among enterprises, agriculture and commercial activities with regards to the organization policy which includes European parliament, commissioner and council minster. There should be the presence in the cabinet from agriculture, economy and labor minster member.
EU also remains their focus for making governing institutions for more dramatic and become it more transparent while parliament has begun to create the greater role.
Member's growth
The Europe has faced some serious challenges for its member growth; the economic recession has left their continents in the burden of unemployment and the higher level of fiscal deficit. Fear rises on that particular time was Europe might fail to compete with the fastest growing economy such as the United States economy (Amin & Tomaney, 1995).
There is a need to a better understanding for the dynamic of business growth which would the future insight of Europe economic performance and their slow productivity in the world. While measuring the distribution of the member's growth the several above countries faces some serious challenges. Their official's members might provide the most comprehensive business coverage activity in their country since they have been assembled through tax, security and social administrative records in the company's universe. According for their project they have required the particular participation from the each national statistical office which has authorized access towards micro data.
The Europe has made the remarkable progress during first two decades, although have faces some obstacles in their way for making strengthening them. The EU especially in their political matter, enhancement of their economic ties binding their members is likely to increase their unity in politics over the time. That has been treated as the feasible evidence efforts of EU nations to conform tit ...