European Countries

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Comparison of European Countries



United Kingdom1

United Kingdom's Statistics2


Spain's Statistics5

Firm Internationalizing for Market Seeking Reasons7

Firm Internationalizing for Natural Resource Seeking Reasons8

Firms Internationalizing for Efficiency Seeking Reasons9

Firms Internationalizing for Strategic Asset Seeking Reasons10



Comparison of European Countries


This assignment is focused on comparing two countries namely United Kingdom and Spain in terms of the attractiveness of each country for the firms that want to internationalize for various reasons such as natural resource seeking, market seeking, strategic asset seeking and efficiency seeking.


United Kingdom

United Kingdom ranks among the top countries in the list of Better Life Index. As compared to Spain United Kingdom does an immensely better job in the measures of the well being. The average household net disposable income for United Kingdom is 26 904 USD a year more than the Spain's average. But the gap between the riches top tier and the bottom ones is the same as six percent (

When it comes to employment seventy percent of the people between the ages of fifteen and sixty four hare employed in some sort of paid job. The percentage of men in work force is around seventy six percent and women represent sixty five percent in the totals (

The level of education that the people of United Kingdom attain is more as compared to Spain. People in the age groups of twenty five and sixty four, seventy five percent of them hold a degree termed equivalent to a high school degree. But the gender percentage is reversed here as compared to Spain where more women had an educational degree; in United Kingdom men constitute a total of seventy eight percent as compared to women who are only seventy two percent in holding a high school degree. On average people in United Kingdom are more satisfied with their lives (

Life expectancy in United Kingdom is eighty one years. And same as Spain women are expected to live longer in United Kingdom as compared to men. Life expectancy for women is eighty three years and for men it is seventy nine years. In the matters of public spheres and civic participation United Kingdom is at a little higher than moderate level. For the voter turnout the participation of United Kingdom's public is a little less as compared to Spain's. During the recent election there was only a sixty six percent voter turnout.

United Kingdom's Statistics

United Kingdom's GDP per capita is 35441 USD and its real GDP growth is 0.8 percent for the year 2011. The net saving rate in terms of the household income is 2.7 percent and the gross fixed capital formation is -1.2 percent of GDP. The real value added by the industry has reduced by 0.8 percent and the real value added by the services is 1.5 percent. The general government debt has been 104.9 percent of GDP and the general government revenues are 40.5 percent of GDP and the general government expenditures are 48.7 percent of GDP. The imports of services and goods are ...
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