European Union

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European Union

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European Union

Formation of the European Union

World War II marked the establishment of the European Union. After the War, moves towards the establishment of European Union were started. The main aim of the creation of the European Union was to end the frequent wars between the neighbor countries. In 1950, the European Coal and Steel community began to economically and politically unite the European countries for securing peace in the world. The six founding countries of European Union were Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, France, Luxembourg and Germany (Robert, 2001). The whole of 1950s was dominated by the Cold War that existed between the East and West. The European Economic Community (EEC) of the common market was the result of the Treaty of Rome in 1957.

Successes and Failures

During the 60s, the world saw the emergence of the youth culture. Musical bands such as the Beatles were established and attracted the teenage fans. This era marked the Cultural Revolution because the musical band attracted teenagers wherever they appeared, but it increased the generation gap. This was a good era for the economy because the EU member countries had stopped charging custom duties while trading. Agreements were signed between the EU and other countries over food production to ensure that everyone had enough food.

Three more countries joined the European Union in 1973; Denmark, United Kingdom and Ireland. The Arab-Israel war in 1973 caused energy crisis in Europe (McCormick, 2010). Huge sums of money were transferred to the poor areas by the EU regional policy in order to create jobs and to improve the infrastructure. The member countries for the first time elected their representative directly in 1979.

In 1981, Greece also joined the European Union. Five years later Spain and Portugal also joined the European Union. In 1987, the Single European Act was signed according to which free flow of trade is allowed along the EU border for a period of six years. The Wall of Berlin was also pulled down in 1989, and the border between East and West Germany was opened for the first time in 28 years. This led to the reunification of Germany in 1990 when East and West Germany are united.

The united Germany made Europeans close neighbors. The single market completed four freedom movements which included people, goods, money and services. The decade of 1990s is known for the couple of treaties signed in this era; the Maastricht Treaty that was signed in 1993 and the Treaty of Amsterdam that was signed in 1999. Three more members joined the European Union in 1995; Finland, Sweden and Austria. EU provides support to millions of young people for education also improved the means of communication as more and more people started using mobile and internet (Bache & Stephen, 2006).

The 21st century brought the new currency for the Europeans; the euro. With the 9/11 attacks, the European countries fight together against terrorism. 11 more countries ...
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