Eu Competition Law

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European competition law and policy has changed dramatically in recent years. With 25 Member States, the new rules, policies and administrative procedures for the enlarged European Union, the need to ensure that this important legal system, continue to promote competition and protect consumer interests. EC Treaty and Article 82 of the 81 established EU competition law regime. Article 81 (1) prohibits anti-competitive agreements, which the community has a significant effect of trade, and Article 82 prohibits abuse of dominant market position. Article 81 prohibits anti-competitive agreement does not apply if the parties to the agreement can prove that the agreement has an array of pro-competitive benefits outweigh the restrictive effect. The Commission has adopted a so-called "block exemption regulations, a distributor of R and C license and other agreements set out the circumstances, these agreements generally pro-competitive benefits of the net treatment of the number of safe havens. Recently these laws and regulations block the release of amendments stressed the importance of economic analysis.


The key provisions of the EC competition contained in Articles 81 and 81 of the Treaty of Amsterdam (1) 82 prohibits "all agreements between enterprises, decisions by the operators association and coordinated approach may affect trade between Member States and have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market. "Article 81 (2) provides that such agreement is invalid. Article 81 (3) the provisions of section 81 (1) provides that the agreement might be announced, will help to improve the production or distribution of goods or to promoting technical or economic progress does not apply, so that consumers receive performance fair share, and will not:

Impose sanctions on the( restrictions and did not achieve the necessary commitment to these goals;

Cannot afford to eliminate a large portion of the product the possibility of competition in business.

Article 82 prohibits "any trade of one or more of the business market dominance abuse of any goods or services, a large part of society. The European Commission and the Court has always been the goal of the former spending more attention to the latter. The Committee has also been some criticize the invention was found to be affected interstate commerce.

Regulations to modernize the largest firms in the competition policy took more than 40 years of the EU changes. These comply with EU competition regulations, decentralization, to the national courts and the "Big States to implement the rules of national competition authorities. Rules also placed a heavy burden for the company to ensure that their activities do not abolish the system of competition rules in violation of the agreement to convey to the European Commission's approval. The introduction of new rules for the EU merger control system combined some major changes. The rules include the basic test; you can make more highly concentrated industries in the merger difficulties. It also attempts to reduce the administrative burden, reduce the availability of these applications are based on a number ...
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