Etisalat's Expansion

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Etisalat's Expansion


Based in United Arab Emirates, Etisalat is one of biggest telecommunication services providers in the world. It currently offers telecommunication services in 18 countries across Africa, Asia, and Middle East. With a large consumer base of 135 millions, and largest voice carrier network, the company enjoys a competitive advantage in the industry. In today's business landscape, which is derived by the process of globalization and technological advancements, there are plenty of opportunities for large corporations like Etisalat to continue expanding its operations in countries that offer suitable environment for business as well potentially large customer base. In this context, Brazil should be one of the most desirable countries for investment in telecommunication sector. The country has a large population and it offers competitive business environment in addition to soft regulatory measures imposed for potential investors. This paper aims presenting a case for expansion of Etisalat's operations in Brazil. Drawing upon many factors that play a significant role in determining the potential scope of business, the present report aims to identify possible opportunities and obstacles that Etisalat will be facing in the country. The report also takes account of cultural, religious and social factors in order to determine differences and similarities between the cultures of Brazil and United Arab Emirates, which can help a great deal in assessing potential arenas for investment. Applying Geert Hofsted five cultural dimensions — power distance, individualism, masculinity / femininity, uncertainty avoidance and long term orientation — the report sheds light on factors that need to be taken into account by the Etisalat when deciding about expanding its operations in Brazil.


Services Offered and Competitive Advantage4

Reasons for International Expansion4

Why Brazil?5

Cultural factors: (Comparisons between the United Arab Emirates and Brazil)6



1.Geert Hofsted 5 cultural Dimensions:8

a.Power Distance8


c.Masculinity / Femininity10

d.Uncertainty avoidance10

e.Long term orientation11

Entry Mode12



Etisalat Telecom Company in United Arab Emirates

Services Offered and Competitive Advantage

Etisalat is a telecommunication corporation offering telecommunication services in 18 countries across Africa, Asia, and Middle East currently. It is based in UAE. The company has a competitive advantage because it provides services of high quality within the UAE and has a global connectivity which it acquires through extended network from its network partners all over the world. The company is also the 15th largest operator of mobile network globally and has a customer base of 135 million, thus becoming the most powerful company in the region its reports on revenue and profits are very high and being one of the two companies providing telecommunication services in the entire country, and being largest carrier of the international voice kind of traffic, it wins a competitive advantage. The company also makes very huge investments which make it to grow very fast unlike its competitors. This has enabled it to win over very many customers of its services worldwide compared to its competitors in the market. The company takes steps of launching new services for consumers, other telecommunication companies and business and this promotes its operation higher. Etisalat also incorporates some non-telecom business units which are put under ...
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