Etiquettes And Bilingualism

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Etiquettes and Bilingualism

Etiquettes and Bilingualism


Amoja Three Rivers describes the ways to avoid racism and racial stereotypes within an organization. The article discusses that people often fall under the category of ethnocentrism where they believe that their people or group is superior to others. The term exotic is used, not as a compliment, to describe oneself such as white people, foreign origin or race. The Amoja Three Rivers describes ethnic as being related to race and culture. The article argues that in United States white people comprise of majority population but the other race or color should not be called as a minority. If many cultures prevail within a specific region; people's attention focuses on traditions, relationships, cultural values and spirituality. People seldom focus on the progress and development of the region and technology. Using words for others like savage, primitive, uncivilized, backward or undeveloped falls under being ethnocentric and racist. Millions of people demonstrate the complex traditional religion with faith on one God of one true faith. This is monotheism which has an advanced form known as polytheism

The essay by Clemetson titled 'The Racial Politics of Speaking Well' is about the discussion of how white and black speak. Black here refers to the speech by African-Americans. Clemetson describes the articulation problems, its origins and how the famous public figures use their word as power. The author describes the African-America ns as being hot-tempered when they are challenged to articulate. Characterization is meant as a form of praise when it comes to the use of word. Articulation refers to expressions of thoughts and ideas without giving it any negative aspect. White people are noticed to use the term 'articulate' with bewilderment when referring to African-Americans. According to the author, White people naturally articulate whereas African-Americans don't have the articulation ability. Both white ...
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