Ethics, Professionalism And Reflective Practice

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Ethics, Professionalism and Reflective Practice

Ethics, Professionalism and Reflective Practice

Ethics, Professionalism and Reflective Practice


In a professional realm, moral principles play a pivotal role in shaping the disposition of an individual. To get accomplishments in professional sphere, it is essential to follow the respective ethics of the industry (Pierson, J. 2011). Therefore, it is considered valuable to maneuver within the constraints of ethics, which are proposed principally by the authoritative bodies of the system. Professionalism demands a variety of other aesthetics also, out of which reflective practices are also constituent (Bogg, D. 2010). Reflective practice is the capacity to reflect on actions, so that to connect with the system of continuous learning.

This paper will elucidate the phenomenon of ethics, professionalism and reflective practices in social works and how it is interrelated with the current political, social and economical landscape (Bogg, D. 2010).

Challenges in Professional Social Work in context to Social, Political and Economical Landscape

Every profession has an array of challenges in such socially, politically and economically constrained global environment. Various economies are suffering from financial crisis, which is principally the root of all social and political issues developing in this global village (Pierson, J. 2011). Within the professional realm of social works, there are various challenges taking place because of social, political and economical background of the society or the professional industry.

In the present scenario, the biggest dilemma associated with professional social working is the lack of financial support. Social works are highly reliant upon funding; since most social organizations are non-profit, and do not generate any revenue with their operation (O'Sullivan, T. 2011). Therefore, such organizations need sufficient funding to operate effectively and professionally in the social realm. Nevertheless, lack of funding can be associated with all the three aspects, which are put under consideration in this paper, which includes social, political and economical (Graham, M. 2007).

In the present social landscape, people are constrained in the pressure of financial crisis. It is becoming unable for the people to donate and fund for social working agencies, and for the betterment of their societal arrangement. The drastically increasing inflation, all across the globe, has also condensed the expenses of people, and so as their devotion towards social welfare (Pierson, J. 2011). Despite of it, there are other social factors also, which induces an individual not to participate in the social welfare of the country. Such factors include increasing crime rate, mugging, robbery and burglary that has made people cautious of showing their finances in public, or spending their money for social cause, which illustrates their social value and prosperity.

Despite of it, lack of funding is also associated with the political landscape of the country. There is no doubt that global and regional politics plays a vital role in the distribution of funds, especially from governmental resources, to social working agencies (Powell, F. 2001). The politics of various political groups act as the gatekeeper for the funding to the social working agencies. Thus, in incompatible political circumstances, NGOs and other social agencies do get suffer ...
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