Ethics In Forensic Research

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Ethics in Forensic Research


Forensic science is a science to solve the legal issues; these legal issues can be resolved by using the scientific methods and applications. It uses for finding the facts about the crime scene and for investigation purposes. It is helpful in finding out the facts about the fingerprints; poison, about human body, bugs etc. Following are the fields of forensic science like anthropology, chemistry, toxicology, technology. According to the forensic science the functional groups and side effects of each drug will be defined in detail, some details about the class A drugs are going to be discussed in this essay. Drugs are the group of medications that can be used in curing the health of an individual, but some drugs are not good for health. Such drugs are known as narcotics or hallucinogen, and they lay in the class “A” category. Class A drugs are not prescribed by doctors; individuals use them for their pleasure. Drugs that fall in the class A category are as following; cocaine, crack, heroin, ecstasy, LSD. Narcotics and hallucinogens affect the nervous system of a human being as these are the psychoactive drugs. Hallucinogens divide into three types; in dissociates, the mind creates its own perceptions PCP drugs are examples, in psychedelics the whole nervous system affects, LSD is the example, and in deliriums the false perception has produced. The Ethics Committee reviewed and enhanced the final draft before coming to final review and approval by the full Commission in June 2009. What emerged was a Forensic and Indirect Services section that is thorough and instructive to the forensic rehabilitation counselor when she or he is faced with a particularly challenging situation or an ethical dilemma.


Bioethics is created in an attempt to reflect on all human interventions on life, a reflection hard and achieve its main objective is to identify values ??and norms guide human action, the intervention of science and technology in life itself and in the biosphere. But it is necessary to couple the concept, understand the very source from which bioethics springs, no doubt, and in agreement with some authors on the issue, bioethics stems from the Hippocratic ethics, medical ethics inspiration theological contribution of modern philosophy and reflections on rights humans in Europe, but above all, emerges from the need to be consistent the progress of science, weapons, genetic creation, etc.

Example of forensic science ethics “the Sniper”

When the sniper incident came to conclusion - it turned out most of the “experts” were wrong about who had been keeping the DC area in fear. John Allen Mohammed - a 41 year old unemployed black man and gulf war veteran along with his step son, a 17 year old Lee Malvo were arrested for the shootings. This was not at all what America expected to see. The media had gone into overdrive after the first initial rampage. Fox news, CNN, MSNBC, etc.. all had their own expert to help analyze who was doing this horrible ...
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