Ethics Dilemma In U.S. Military

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Ethics Dilemma in U.S. Military

Ethics Dilemma in U.S. Military


Ethics plays a significant role, unlike many other science, this is more applicable to life, because of its content practical and technical, derived from their own customs and human behavior, being perfected by it, helps ensure the realization as individuals, taking into account that the end worth pursuing, and under what conditions it is worth pursue them. Ethics is not only instrumental, but can change what we have reason to value; see a person as a citizen is adopt a particular view of humanity, not just see it as a child whose welfare is important, but also consider as a rational thinking and values, decides and acts, their usefulness to achieve specific future purposes (Axinn, 2009). The difference between the corporate and professional ethics is often described as corporate ethics and individual ethics. The military has an ethical responsibility that lies not only in the use of force in the service of individual freedom and collective justice but also in the doctrine of its existence and legitimacy.

Ethics issues in Military

The military is called to lead the process from a moral reason and not just from a social or operational reason. They need leadership that will turn into virtue and wisdom based on reason and positive ethics of common sense. Human beings need by nature of core values ??that structure his personality. The cultivation of these values ??becomes the protagonist of the story and not a single object with no reason to blindly serving the dark forces and unconscious, or whether individual or social (Robinson, 2007). The old ideals of liberty and equality and other human values, have fallen into the mass consumer network that through the mass media reached its golden age to man his natural value. The market devours the subject and a slave of his instincts and passions, making it part of a modern society guided for no reason (Benbaji, 2010).

The policies must be effective not only in the home country but also in the tasks which are carried out of the country. If corporate ethics work together with professional ethics, then it can work well. It can also be said that the organization must act like a link between corporate ethics and individual ethics. People should support the common policy of conduct of a specific leader. The guide or leader should demonstrate those actions as his individual ethics. Generally, this behavior and conduct is confirmed by the armed forces and the derivative codes of conduct of U.S army (Benbaji, 2010).

American army trains its staff accordingly because, in the military operations and personnel, the legislation on working conditions cannot be detected easily. Another reason is that the army, usually, is subjected to life-threatening situations. Therefore, the training should be given with full responsibility. The training should not lead the soldiers to a situation in which they are being bullied or may use power or authority improperly. In other words, it can be said that a certain ...
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