Ethics And Gambling

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Ethics and gambling

Ethics and Gambling


Ethics refers to the general code of conduct of human beings. Ethical values and norms provide a standard in every field of life by which one is supposed to conduct his behavior. Each and every thing that we do in this world involves certain facets through which we can prove that activity as ethically right or wrong.


Gambling is the determination of the ownership of property by appeal to chance. (Hobson, 1905) Here, the meaning of chance is that resultant of a play of natural forces that cannot be controlled or calculated by those who appeal to it.

So, gambling is a game of fate or fortune. In this game the participants calls for some sorts of results that they think is likely to occur at the stake of something valuable that they have like gold, silver and money.

History of gambling

Gambling was a very famous activity in Northern part of America long before the establishment of United States of America. In 17th century, lottery culture, horse and dog racing was so popular to raise money and lower down the taxes. In some of the states gambling in its different forms are legalized to raise the money.

Ethics and gambling

There are two schools of thoughts one that supports gambling as it is the shortest and quickest way to earn money so it helps those who are in need of money. As it is a source of earning quick money it elevates and improves the general economy of the country. But those who get money from such activities do not give or spend anything that's why people question moral issues regarding this.

Arguments in favor of gambling

Those who support gambling they basically give argument of economical stimulation. Gambling creates jobs and helps stimulate the local ...
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