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Ethics And Aids

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Ethics and AIDS in the Workplace

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Ethics and AIDS in the Workplace have become a major challenge for the companies in the world today and this is because of the rate at which AIDS is spreading amongst the people. However, it is the duty of the organizations to take care of the employees and to ensure that ethical standards are being followed. Lack of proper leadership can result in high rate of absenteeism and lack of productivity, therefore, different ways should be adopted to keep the employee motivated and the companies should educate the employees with regards to AIDS. Moreover, some of the ethical issues that prevail at the workplace such as unfair treatment towards workers, discrimination and leaking privacy should not be practiced.

Ethics and AIDS in the Workplace


Ethics is a moral philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and unethical behavior. Ethical theories have been defined by the philosophers into three areas, which are metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics on the basis of which ethical choice can be determined. Metaethics reveals the traces where the ethical principles come from and what they mean to an individual. They refer to the actions that are considered as a universal truth such as “stealing is wrong” (Fottler,, 2007). However, a more practical task is involved in normative ethics because they refer to the moral standards that determine right and wrong such as our habits and duties. Specific, controversial issues come under applied ethics while includes funds for funeral costs for employees who die because of causes not related to mining. The primary aim of every business is to generate profits. However, during this, they should be ethical and must take care of employees by keeping them motivated and by satisfying them. Keeping the employees motivated is a very important factor for the organizations because productivity of the employees increases only when they are motivated. Therefore, organizations should go beyond legally mandated benefits. This is more important for mining companies because there are many employees working for the company who are suffering from HIV AIDS and the rate if further increasing. Therefore, it is the duty of the company to fulfill the needs of the employees. However, the decision of reducing the funds for funeral costs has been taken by the company with regards to the challenges that the company is facing (Zimmermann & Sparrow, 2008).

Challenges faced by Companies

Other problems that the company had to face because of diseases were the costs related to absenteeism, losses in productivity and recruitment and training that had to be conducted.


When the workers suffer from diseases, they are not able to turn to work because of which the rate of absenteeism increases. However, the company has to bear this cost because the productivity of the worker who is absent is zero on the day he is absent which negatively impacts the company (Sparrow, 2007).

Losses in Productivity

One of the major reasons for loss in productivity is ...
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