Ethical Theories

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Ethical theories

Ethical theories; definition

The term ethical theories is defined as the “any proposed theory that entails a particular way of determining right and wrong, that is, a particular set of ethics”. Any ethical theory entails the way of determining whether a particular action performed has to be right or wrong. It is a system of principle that enables the criteria for determining the moral standing of an action, and therefore, focusing upon the rightness of the action. Meanwhile, these ethical theories correspond to the human nature, while they assess the worth of their actions, in terms of, moral obligations and rights to and from the society.

Deontological ethics

The word Deon is driven from Green terminology that means 'duty.' The ethics of duty are assessed with regard to an individual's adherence to duty. The term itself is defined as “the set of moral principles that pertain to an individual's adherence to duty”. It is a form of normative ethics that determines the extent to which a person is able to adhere to its obligations and rights in a given society. They pertain to the development of sense of duty in the individual. Therefore, the term duty does correspond to the fulfillment of the rights of one's self towards the society.

These ethics are often confused with the consequences, however, deontological ethics do not have to do anything with the consequences, but rather, they pertain to the assessment of the rights and obligations on the account of an individual. These ethics have main premises discussed as under;

Regardless of consequences: these ethics imply that one should adhere to his rights regardless of the consequences Right based theory: the theory assumes that there are rights that exist by-default, regardless of the laws and conventions proposed by society

Know the duty: one could be morally right if he knows his duty and adheres to it

Ross: he implies that an individual knows his duties due to his intuitive knowledge and sense

Kantian ethics: we have moral duties to the society that are to be fulfilled (Hooker, 2012)

Teleological ethics

The ethical theory emphasizes the end result of any action, and therefore, it is based upon the saying 'end justifies means'. The word 'telos' is the root word for teleological which means 'end'. The ethical theory beholds that “the fulfillment of any moral obligation and right is determined by the outcome and end result achieved by it”. The theory is ...
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