Ethical Issue Paper

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Ethical Issue Paper

Ethical Issue Paper


There are a number of ethical dilemmas, issues and controversies that the nurses face on regular basis. The fact that the nurses are the individuals who deal directly with the patients on more regular basis than any other professional makes it essential that a proper solution is found for these controversies. This is simply because no matter the role, they play for the patients, the attitude, behavior and actions of the nurses will always affect the patients. Hence, dealing with the controversies is essential nevertheless to ensure high ethical and moral standards of the overall practice of nursing in addition to ensuring that the safety, security, health and life of the patient is not compromised at any cost whatsoever. Many nursing practices that were introduced and exercised often have been questioned and criticized by the health critics. These include nurses in the psychiatric and mental health services using restraints and seclusion, use of sedatives and other drugs, privacy and confidentiality of the patients' information and many other similar issues that have as direct link or impact on the patient one way or the other. However, the most controversial and most often discussed is the issue of Euthanasia. The fact that the act enjoys a strong support by many of the professionals in addition to heavy critique by others makes this act one of the most controversial medical practice in the nursing history.


Euthanasia is defined as the act of mercy killing where the life of a patient is terminated in accordance to his own will. The fundamental aim that is to be achieved thereby practicing Euthanasia is ending the suffering .

Pro side of Euthanasia

Some may find it astonishing; however, the process of euthanasia has always been supported by some of the experts with the opinion that the concept should be accepted as it is both legally and ethically.

Ethical Theory

Staunch defenders of the concept of personal liberty assert that each and every individual is entitled morally to end his life when he sees fit. Therefore, according to these experts, suicide as a principle is morally permissible. For the healthcare workers, the problem of this right to die becomes most prominent when any patient in the care is terminally ill, is in great pain, and hence chooses voluntarily to end his life for the sake of escaping the prolonged suffering.

Therefore, the unbearable and intense sufferings and pain is the reason why majority of the supporters of euthanasia claims that the exercise should not be disapproved. The supporter of euthanasia believes that it allows individuals who are extremely ill to be freed and relieved of their suffering and pain. This also helps the terminally ill individuals to end their life with dignity (Seale, 2010). There have been a number of experts who have claimed that it is the ethical right that every individual enjoys over another to be helped when needed. In a similar context, euthanasia can also be regarded as a favor done to the patient to ...
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