Ethical Dilemma

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Ethical Dilemma Faced by Keller Plastix Manufacturing, Inc

Table of Contents


Sales, Licensing and e-Commerce1



Product Liability3

Intellectual Property4




Ethical Dilemma


In ethical dilemma person has to make a careful choice while considering pros and cons of his or her action. The potential harm to the community, family, environment and employees are also analyzed before making a decision.

Currently, Keller Plastix Manufacturing, Inc. has to make a decision regarding the ethical and legal issues of the current operations of the company, while considering the possibilities of expanding its fan manufacturing operation and plastic beverage container production to China and South Africa.

Sales, Licensing and e-Commerce

According to section 7, article 74(2) of the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China - 2003, it is a crime when anyone fails to grant administrative license to a person, company or entity who meets all the legal and statutory requirements. Not only this, the permission has to be granted within the required time frame. Therefore, if any authority delays the process for any reason, it is also subjected as a crime (Lehman, Lee & XU, 2011).

Considering the licensing law, Keller Plastix Manufacturing, Inc. has all right to start its operations in China if it meets the entire statutory requirement. Therefore, it can be concluded that the government officials are asking for bribery while proposing the option of the trip to USA (Lehman, Lee, XU, 2011). Apart from this, company has huge potential of sales through traditional marketing and e-commerce. China is the hub of manufacturing and operations. Therefore, fan manufacturing will be a cost effective solution to the current ethical dilemma.

On the other hand, the government of South Africa has provided sanctions for plastic production, if the toxic materials are buried beneath the soil. Therefore, the company can easily purchase Awuor, Inc. In this way; the sales of the company will increase drastically, because it will also get the customers of the company. However, E-commerce is not a good idea in South Africa, because many areas of the country are remote and does not have an internet connection.


According the contract law of China of South Africa, the contracts must fall into the bracket of a valid contract. The prerequisites of a valid contract are (Hogg, 2009);

The offer and acceptance must be based on the mutual assessment of both parties.

The subject of the contract must be lawful.

The parties should agree to all the terms and conditions of the contracts

All the business contact must be formal and written

Therefore, the company can set the wages of the workers according to minimum wage rate of the China. However, the workers must accept the job offer at the offered wage rates. On the other hand, they cannot force XiongJi to sell his property through incentives or power. Moreover, the contract signed with all the stake holders must also be valid (Li, 2009).

In case of plastic beverage containers, the only thing that the company needs to do is to make sure, the contracts signed by Awuor, ...
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