Ethical Dilemma

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Ethical Dilemma

Ethical Dilemma


An ethical dilemma described as a complex situation that involves a mental conflict in the views and decisions of a person. This mental conflict is usually between the moral values, in which to comply with one point of view would result in contravening the other. This situation is known as an ethical paradox in moral philosophy. In the business world, a number of companies and officials face an ethical dilemma during their career. This dilemma occurs when the direction of the moral and personal values conflicts with the larger interests of the business or personal benefits.


Ethical behavior is to act in a way that is consistent with one's moral and personal values it may also include the commonly developed values of the company and society. Ethical considerations in the business community have a vital role in the decision making process. In business, it often happens that the decision maker cannot find one right way and has to choose the best possible option according to the conditions. Managers often face choices that create differences between values and financial gains, or another common condition can arise between their personal gain and the larger good of the public. Any decision involving ethical considerations has the potential to raise an ethical dilemma. For instance, a decision that requires a selection between rules, or where there is no prominent rule, or a decision that needs to be engaged in one's own interests, but it appears to go against an ethical standard (Ferrell, et. al., 2012).

Some people believe that the term 'business ethics' as an oxymoron. They are of the opinion that a set of circumstances and decisions could be business imperative but are anti-ethical, on the other hand, another set of circumstances and decisions could be the ethically imperative, but they will be ...
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