Ethical Aspects Of Neural Prosthesis

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Ethical Aspects of Neural Prosthesis

Ethical Aspects of Neural Prosthesis


This paper has been written with regards to the process of memory in the brain. The brain stores memories which human beings are able to recall when they want to, however; events and things that we remember differ. Furthermore, it also discusses about the device named neural prosthesis and its ethical aspects and effectiveness.


Process of Memory in the Brain

Brain is a very complicated organ in our bodies and therefore, its process is also complex. The numbers that a human brain can come up with are record breaking, which is evident, by the presence of the number of nerve cells that count 100 billion. Despite of the fact that this makes there percent of the weight of the body, they contain a lot of energy. The total energy required by the brain is fifteen percent of the body to ensure proper functionality. It is not easy to believe that a large 1400 to 1600 cc and about 1.4 to 1.6 kg heavy but spongy substance exists in the body. Even though the brain measures two percent of body weight, consumption of oxygen by the brain is twenty percent because of the metabolic activity. In our body, the brain is the most functioning organ. This is the reason why it consumes a lot of glucose to ATP because it manufactures as well as replaces proteins every three weeks. From the blood that is pumped by the heart, 20% of it goes to the brain. Therefore, an individual is inclined to become unconscious if oxygen gets saturated even for ten seconds and this can also lead to death (Brown & Ryoo, 2008).

Relationship between Various Memory Types

Sensory Register

Sensory register processes the information that is received through the senses. Although the capacity is large, retention time is limited. Although the memory has the capacity to record the sensations that the senses perceive, it can also process lots of information at one time. Visual and auditory sensory registers are the ones that work the most. This also involves the perceptions that the senses receive which includes thoughts and feelings. However, the sensory senses that are developed by the students are used for visual arts such as sports and walk.

Short-Term Working Memory

This refers to the information that the brain receives, and capacity constraint is evident in the effects of primacy and regency. When the students or a group of people are presented certain objects or names, they remember the ones that have been presented to them in the beginning and the ones that were presented at the end. This shows that they often tend to forget the ones they are told in between. Reduction in primacy effect” is observed when the length of the list increases which is not related to its recency. This is because the elements that are given to the people in the initial stage is recorded in their long-term memory. Therefore, it becomes accessible even after the learning phase ends. The memory system store ...
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