Essay Prompt On Shircliffe Article

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Essay Prompt on Shircliffe Article

Essay Prompt on Shircliffe Article\


This article looks at the grassroots level among African-Americans to return Howard W. Blake High School named after the historic high school closed black desegregation process in Tampa, Florida. The establishment of Blake High School controversial, with several consultations and conflicts of interest of school authorities, Black leaders, the elders of the historically black school, which existed before segregation, a federal judge oversees the 1971 desegregation order, and civil society rights leaders. In analyzing the debates on the role of the magnetic field Blake, location and its presence in the region, this article focuses on the paradox and the segregation of African- American communities in Tampa. This case reveals the tension in the desire to Community education and the consequences of re-segregation.

This assay of the enactment of Howard W. Blake High School in Tampa contributes to this scholarship by abutting the faculty of association accident associated with desegregation to accepted educational action and ameliorate in an burghal setting. It chronicles a recent struggle by African-Americans to redress the downgrading of historically black schools with the hope of restoring a sense of pride and economic growth to low-income communities. The establishment of Blake High School illustrates the continuing irony of desegregation where, at least for African-Americans, community schooling is equated with segregated schooling. School desegregation provided African-American children access to “white” schools with resources superior to those of the schools in their neighborhoods (Hall, 1992). Yet, African-Americans feared that the dismantling of schools in predominately black neighborhoods would sever school-community relations and remained concerned that African-American children would be less valued in former white schools. The controversy surrounding the establishment of Blake High School highlights these dilemmas as advocates of Blake lauded the return of the high school to the black community, while others feared re-segregation and a new era of separate and unequal.


This article combines the community caused by the separation of in the current local activism among African Americans in Tampa. Since the establishment of Blake High School, reveals the tensions between African- Americans will see the school continued segregation as a means of educational equity, and who appreciate the "Community Bonding" associated with the and historically black schools. As the establishment of Blake High School reveals, tensions exist between African- Americans who see maintaining school desegregation as a means to ensure educational equity and those who value the “communal bonding” associated with historically black schools. This dilemma underscores the difficulties in achieving school integration, given the economic and racial segregation of metropolitan areas (Douglas, 1995). The use of magnet programs as a desegregation remedy may hold promise but continues to raise questions about the legality of race based admission policies on one hand and the potential of second-generation segregation on the other. In Tampa, African-Americans questioned the value of school choice and forms of “voluntary integration” such as magnet schools for their children. As we have seen, seeing such programs as catering to white suburban communities, Blake Alumni and Friends fought ...
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