Essay: How And Why Has Fashion Production Been Globalised?

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Essay: How and why has fashion production been globalised?

Essay: How and why has fashion production been globalised?


The main aim of the paper is to discuss how and why has fashion production being globalized. The paper intends to highlight the main causes that have led to globalization of fashion around the world. The importance of this topic cannot be neglected because globalization and fashion both are seen as emerging trends in our societies. Thus, it is very essential to address to the topic of globalization with respect to fashion industry as well.

The first section of the paper will address how has fashion production been globalized. This part would basically highlight how the fashion production has changed over time. The different methods that are adopted by the companies in the fashion industries, the use of new technology, and the new techniques adopted.

Secondly, the paper will also try to highlight why has the production being globalized. This part will try to address why fashion production has been globalized by the companies in the fashion industries. Was the production globalized to achieve economies of scale, to make more profits, to create more job employment, to exploit the new market opportunities, or was it done to cater to the changing demand of the people.

The global eye of fashion explains the process of globalization in the context of the fashion industry as, an export processing zone and the global chain of production (Gorgeous Geography, 2013). Different geographic locations, different cultures, different traditions and even different climates have had a lot of influence on how people of that locality dress up. With the limitless arms that globalization possesses, people receive a variety of fashion products to choose. This situation is not only connected to apparel, but also to other fashion products, which include, shoes, jewellery, hair style, and makeup. With the interchange of culture and ideas, globalization has given the fashion industry a boost. One can argue that with people all around the world following the same fashion, fashion can get a bit dull. The young generation is ignoring their own opinions regarding fashion, and just copying what they see on the social media. The mindset of people has been a bit dicey. If you do not wear what is 'in' the method, you consider having a bad choice in apparel and other fashion goods. The fashion industry has long reached arms influencing other companies (Meternick, 2013).

Entwistle describes fashion as, “is a system of clothes found in societies where social mobility is possible; it has its own particular relations of production and consumption. It is characterized by logic of regular and systematic improvement” (Entwistle, 2000, pp.34). The fashion companies, like any other company have progressed remarkably over the past couple of decades. Consequently, the demand for fashion products and the supple of fashion products have risen. This change has affected everyone related to this sector, affecting the manufacturers, the suppliers, the consumers, the producers and other parties involved.


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