Equal Employment Opportunity Act

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Equal Employment Opportunity Act


Equal Employment Opportunity is responsible for the elimination of discrimination in the workplace. Ensure that the federal laws of the State to distinguish career that treats any person working in this country fairly and equitably in accordance with the laws, and shall be given adequate protection and redress if the employer's breach of these laws. Serve the applicable laws by the agency equal employment opportunity in order to deter non- discrimination is permissible by law by employers (Wright, 2007).

Equality before the law, as proclaimed in the Declaration of Rights of 1789 states that men are born and remain free and equal in rights, expresses a rejection of arbitrary power and privileges, but it is static, abstract and formal. Equality through the rule of law was based on the idea that the law must take into account the inequalities for redress. In this perspective, the law really is not equal neutral, it is interventionist. The Declaration proclaims mountain natural equality and the Convention voting laws so as to bring in all branches of law (education, public relief, civil law). Under the Third Republic, Republicans regard themselves as the heirs and successors of the Revolution. They also seek to introduce, through the law, more equality and solidarity. Achievements are more pronounced in tax and welfare in that civil and political. Women do not have the right to vote and those who are married are subject to marital authority. A new impetus is given to the Liberation. Women gain the right of suffrage in 1944. The Preamble to the Constitution of 1946 establishes the legal equality of each vice versa the fundamental rights which the list has grown: rights to education, culture, labor, social security. Under the Fifth Republic, a proactive policy begins a phased review of civil law. Under this law an illegitimate child with rights equal to those of a legitimate child. The equality of both spouses is guaranteed in marriage. In the area of access to care, it appears that equal rights - even if the conditions of this equality are broadly met the legal point of view - is not effective, for two main reasons: the effectiveness depends on the situation, and social determinants of physical conditions of access to care, and secondly, even if the legal equality in access to care was effective, it would not prejudice the equal use that could make people, both because the quality of health care provision is not always equal, and because the socio-cultural determinants and early access to prevention play a major role in access to care. Public health concern can be addressed to the inequality of rights, rather to equal opportunities in health, particularly access to care. Different signs - an awareness of health inequalities, the advanced thinking on the matter and the involvement of public authorities - show that this dynamic has already begun in different countries across the globe. It also appears that public health, through the use of public debate, the targeting of the ...
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