Equal Employment Opportunity

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Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal Employment Opportunity


Currently at the federal level responsible for the development and implementation of legislation for men and women in the labor market are the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Department of Family, Women and Children of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development, Commission on Women, Family and Demography at the AF President, the Commission on the Advancement of Women in the American government. Specific areas of work to implement a policy of equal rights and opportunities are developed and implemented in the framework of the Concept for the advancement of women in the American Federation, the National Action Plan for the advancement of women and enhance their role until 2000, the Concept of legislation to ensure equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women(www.eeoc.gov). In addition, these issues are included, though limited, in general agreement between the nation-wide associations of trade unions, employers and the Government of the American Federation and federal target programs to promote employment of the American Federation, developed by the relevant regional programs. Various aspects of the employment problems of women engaged in a number of non-governmental women's organizations.


Development and improvement of legislation regulating the status of women in the labor market and ensure implementation of the policy of equal rights and opportunities in the future will take place in accordance with the concept of legislation to ensure equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women, "which the American State adopted in the November 1997, despite the fact that the problems of women are not for the majority of American deputies priority. The document laid the understanding that women's rights are an integral part of human rights. It is in this perspective, the document represented a realistic assessment of the situation of American women in all spheres of life and, above all, in employment and the labor market, and developed the overall strategy and priorities for the development of legislation to ensure equal rights and equal opportunities for men and women, non-discrimination based on sex (Rampell, 2011).

An important document at the federal level, delineating the scope of the policy of equal rights and opportunities in the labor market, was the concept of improving the situation of women in the American Federation, adopted by the AF Government Decree No. 6 of 8 January 1996 (Player, 2008). The preamble to this document recorded that it determines the overall strategy and priorities of state policy for women and focuses on the implementation of the principle of equal rights, freedoms and equal opportunities for women and men. The undoubted advantages of this concept is that it has become one of the first official document of this level, which was recognized the existence in America of discrimination against women in the labor market.

In one of the sections of the Concept, entirely dedicated to issues of equal rights in the labor market, provides inter alia:

Develop legislation providing economic incentives to increase the incentives for employers to hire ...
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