Environmental Management

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Framework for Environmental Management

Section 1

Climate Change is a Complex Problem


Climate change is a multifaceted issue which is highly important to our survival at the moment. Gardiner has called it and depicted it as the perfect storm for the generations which are present. It has now encompassed many debates, meetings and conventions held all around the world. As the time goes by, the problem is increasing day by day. The challenge is now something which has to be handled with care and with great expertise. Human beings and the climate of the world are said to be correlated in many different ways. It can be seen to everyone, civilians and the experts how the climate and the man living in this world are codependent on each other. The weather is expected to rise to as high as 400 C very soon.


A relationship of reciprocal determinism exists between human beings and the planet's atmosphere. Similarly, the climate and the weather have an effect on human beings and their lives. The lifestyle and the way of living of human being also have a significant impact on the climate and its dynamic nature.

There have been many different debates all over the world. This is all due to the ever increasing threat of the problem and the impact it has on the world. There is not a specific area where this problem is occurring. However, it is safe to say that the whole world is being impacted by the issue (Victor, 2004, pp.6-7). It can be safely said that the world and the climate all around the world is highly affected by the actions which are taken by the people. Any technology Andy advancement which is made by the human beings has an adverse effect on the climate. While the countries all around the world are governed by the government, it is a safe bet to say that they are there to serve the nation and its inhabitants. For this reason, they have to keep in mind the health and safety of their citizens also.

The whole of the nation works hand in hand with each other. Every action affects different Ares of the country and the quality of living of the citizens. Policies are made to keep the citizens safe and happy. This might have had a bad impact somewhere, while having a positive impact in other places over the years, keeping in mind the ever growing threat of the changing climate; the government has now started making policies regarding the actions which effect the climatic changes. It has taken some time to change the policies and the regulations which effect the production, industry and other such sectors of the economy which have a detrimental effect on the climate.

Europe has seen a large and significant change in the climate they receive throughout the year. This is changed a lot of different aspects of the health and safety of people living in Europe. The ever melting glaciers and the longer spans of dryness ...
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