Environmental Factors Important To Organizational Development

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Environmental Factors Important To Organizational Development

Environmental Factors Important To Organizational Development

The main goal of organizational development is to increase the organizational effectiveness by using a multidimensional approach so that the problems surrounding the organization can be eliminated. Organizational development is usually a strategic process in which steps are taken to steadily improve the organization so that it may become more efficient in the future. However, there are various obstacles that the organization may meet in the future due to which it has to consider several future possibilities while planning its strategies for growth.

Environmental factors play a very important role in the development of organizations. Environmental factors may be internal or external and both can have a significant impact on the business of the organization. Globalization is currently having a major impact on the environment of organizations both internal and external due to which they have to continuously change their policies in order to provide equal employment opportunities to everyone (Daft, Murphy & Willmott, 2010).

Globalization has opened the borders to trade and immigration due to which people are continuously moving from one place to another in search for better employment opportunities. This is making the workplace diverse and hence more difficult to manage. During the same time, it is necessary to include the employees in the change process so that their demands and suggestions may be considered while planning the route that the organization should take in order to overcome the environmental factors that may form a barrier towards the growth of the organization (Cummings & Worley, 2009).

The changing environment of organizations also has some positive aspects as it is changing the culture of organizations and helping to increase their performance. In this way, organizations have been developing in various aspects.

The increase in the use of technology by consumers will make the future environment more informed due to which organizations will have to stay a step ahead of competitors if it wishes to survive this tough environment. Constant developments are mandatory if the organization wishes to survive. These developments include development of the product or service being offered as well as the development of the organization itself in terms of management. These two are interrelated and help organizations to develop and continue growing even if the market if tough (Cummings & Worley, 2009).

The rise in awareness about the environment is also an important factor that will contribute towards the organization development. Manufacturing ...
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