Entrepreneurial Leadership

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Entrepreneurial leadership

Entrepreneurial leadership


This company laid out a sound philosophy at the time of its birth, and the fast food chain still follows this philosophy strongly. The company introduced the concept of juicy hamburgers and fries, which attracted the masses. Also, the company efficiently and cleverly blended the recipe and fresh marketing tactics together, that was appreciated by the people. Five guys' philosophy differentiates them from all fast food chains (Five Guys, 2013).The reason being Jerry Mitchell's strong focus on the quality of the food and customer satisfaction for both, external and internal customers. The reason for the success of this company is the treatment they provide to their customer. As once said by Jerry Murrell “Treat the person right, he'll walk out the door and sell for you”. (Weise, 2011) (Five, 2013).


The original values are: a)

Every position is valuable at the company. This was mainly for employees, regardless of their position, to increase their motivation levels and so that they work efficiently (Five, 2013).b)

The customer is the best judge and knows more about the product than anyone else. Therefore, customers are given the best treatment and facilities at this company. c)

Know what are you good at stick with it is third value of the company. The company has, therefore, mainly restricted itself to making hamburger and fires, the two items served to customer at the time of this fast food chain's inception. d) Quality is the most important thing when it comes to selling a product. The company has provided and maintained the best quality standards, it provided at its inception (Sciencedirect, 2013).


It was Murrell, who realized that in order to compete with the other fast food chains in the market, the company have to maintain its focus on the food it provides. The ...
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