Entrepreneurial Leadership

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Entrepreneurial leadership in the workplace

Entrepreneurial leadership in the workplace


Entrepreneurial Leaders are leaders who are able to infuse the rest of the group, some form of vision or inspiration that motivates them to transcend the common performance goals and make an effort in the interest collective. A company's mission philosophy would be more inclined towards entrepreneurial leadership and teamwork. Teamwork is a key to success, as two heads are better than one. In order to make sure all employees are working for the same purpose inclined towards the mission of the organization, it is mandatory that influential people are given roles; roles in which they can inspire and motivate people to work in the same direction and coordinate and collaborate with each other. Teamwork would be the key element for the mission of the organization.

Entrepreneurial Leaders are more people oriented than results oriented, and entrepreneurial leaders are powerful motivators. The major entrepreneurial leadership style, that an organization would assign, would have behaviors, that include confidence in others, respect in others, pride among employees, interest in others and not in self, focus on the common good, achievement, self-actualization, enthusiasm, optimism, vision, problem solving, promotes creative and adaptive solutions to stressful conditions, developing employees, and treating employees as individuals. The entrepreneurial leader will encourage employees to get to the goal with the focus being more on the people than on the results. Many times, the focus on the people are all it takes to motivate the team to work harder, through the weekend, etc. in order to meet the goals of the organization. The items that will help these managers become stronger include recognizing the negative, empathizing with the negative, categorizing the negative, globalizing the negative, neutralizing the positives, deputizing the employee, and actualizing understanding. Doing these things will help managers and employees relate better to their employees and will help employee retention, which would in return be beneficial for the organization.

Discussion & Analyses

Research has demonstrated that the leadership of the formal team leader is central to team effectiveness. To extend team leadership research, however, there have been increased calls for researchers to develop and test models that conceptualize leadership as both a hierarchical and collective process, where formal leaders as well as team members are active participants. Such an approach is thought necessary to better understand the influence of multiple sources and levels of formal and informal leadership in teams (Pearce & Manz, 2011). Efforts to date to assess leadership as a collective process have done so from a process approach. For example, shared leadership and social network approaches to leadership have largely not specified the form or style of leadership that is shared among the team, only that leadership roles and responsibilities are in some way shared.

Yet it is clear from a meta-analysis of leadership intervention research that the effects of various forms of leadership (e.g., charismatic or contingency theory) may differ significantly across outcome measures, suggesting the form of leadership operating in a team may be an important ...
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