Enmployment Law

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Working Time Regulations 1998

Working Time Regulations 1998


Working time in the labour law is established by law or on the basis of the calendar time during which the employees in accordance with the internal labour regulations are required to perform their duties in an enterprise, institution or organization. The working hours of employees shall be established by the state, with the participation of trade unions. Standards of working hours cannot be changed by agreement of the administration of enterprises (institutions, organizations) with the trade union committee or a worker. Normal working hours of employees in enterprises, institutions and organizations may not exceed 40 hours per week (Article 42 of the Labour Code). It is generally established during working hours (Smith 2002, 548). It applies to all employees, except those for which the law defined shortened working hours. Reduced working time is set for:

Minors under 18 years of age;

Separate groups of employees in connection with the peculiarities of their labour (employees with difficult and dangerous working conditions, doctors, teachers, schools, etc., cf. 44 - 45 of the Labour Code);

Learning on the job;

Women in rural areas;

Disabled groups I and II;

Teachers, professors and other teaching staff of educational institutions.

The working time is also reduced when performing work at night (from 22 to 6:00). This rule does not apply to:

Workers who already have reduced working hours;

Working in continuous production, when you need an equation of day with night;

Workers specifically made to do work at night;

Employees engaged in shift work during the six-day working week with one day off.

For example, workers employed in jobs with hazardous working conditions, working hours cannot exceed 36 hours per week. In accordance with Article 49 Labour Code, agreement between employer and employee can be installed as a job, and then part-time or part-time working week. For part-time employee who is not busy all day, but only part of it, for example 5:00 instead of 8. With incomplete working week reduced the number of working days. There may be a simultaneous decrease in both the number of working days and hours during the working day (Honeyball, 2010).

The Administration shall establish a part-time (on request) - a pregnant woman, a woman with a child under 14 years old (disabled child under 16 years), caregivers for sick family members. Establishment of part-time employee does not entail any restriction of his employment rights. It provides a full annual leave, holidays and weekends, the period of work included completely in the total length of service. The salary he receives is proportional to the time worked.

The concept of working time and forms it into account. At each enterprise and to establish a rational organization of labour and the rest of the workers on the basis of legislation on working time set the duration of daily work, its start and end time and duration of breaks for rest and meals. In the manufacture of removable defined operating hours, the order alternating shifts, the rules on public holidays, etc. The distribution of working time during the calendar ...
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