English Teaching Method

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English Teaching Method

English Teaching Method

Summary: The paper intends to extenuate the summary of three chapters that includes chapter 11, chapter 12 and chapter 13 from the book Bridging English. The primary purpose of this study is to highlight the learning outcomes of these three chapters. As the book is the greatest source of learning how to teach English as a professional English teacher or practitioner. This book helps us in numerous ways in enabling us the methods and techniques to understand the students' approach, their mind level, grasping power, and most importantly their understanding.

This study holds the great treasure of information about the important chapters of Bridging English as chapter 11 talks about the Inspiring Writing, chapter 12 deals with the Enabling Writing, and the chapter 13 is concerned with the Evaluating Learning. The discussion section aims to describe the learning outcomes of these chapters in detail.

Subjective Reflection: The chapter 11 possesses myriad ideas and fundamental theories of writing English as the theme of the chapter is evidently reflecting from the title Inspiring Writing. Milner and Elbow believe that writing is the most unusual and mysterious talent to most of the people which needs drilling and mastering to embrace the skills of writing. However, as for the teachers, teaching writing is as difficult and challenging as writing itself. Therefore, the chapter introduces the concept of national writing report card project which is actually a comprehensive study of writing instructions. The core idea of this project is to enable the students to show up their creativity through writing the plays and poems. The writing instructions facilitate students to inscribe their thoughts with precision, coherence, correctness, and in persuading style to allure the reader towards each and every sentence of their piece of writing involuntarily. Britton described this concept marvelously as the writing holds the operational functions as it is transactional, expressive and poetic where the writing can be used to persuade or instruct people, to express the feelings, mood or ideas, and to make it alluring through the use of phonetic, syntactic or semantic tones.

The chapter also introduces the writing constructs that are the inducing ideas of writing instructions and are the essence of instructional approach to writing as because each of the construct attempts to answer the fundamental question about teaching of appropriate writing skills.

Subjective Response: The science of learning a language requires time and knowledge. This literature helps me to reassess my capabilities for learning English through a comprehensive and reflective process. I found my written and verbal skills convincing before reading this text. Predominantly, I do not need to adapt strategies or learning styles. The information given in the text presents pragmatic approach towards learning English.

All the five WH questions are necessary to evaluate the process of learning and reflecting. This study helps me to understand all the measure variables for learning a langague. Inclusion of writing is the essence of teaching and learning English language. All the stated approaches, processes, tasks and workshops in ...
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