Communication-oriented teaching is to teach foreign language communication (not necessarily just using communicative tasks and methods). This method of teaching is a little different from previous approaches as it focuses more on form and structure of language and context (Savignon 2002 153). It is necessary to study the differences in the linguistic theories to understand the concept of approaches better.
The process of teaching and learning of foreign languages ??has been the subject of disparate research over time. Studies on how to teach and learn languages ??have been progressing and changing direction according to the different stages of intellectual and scientific development (Richards 2001 45).
A language ??as a social phenomenon continuously evolves and develops. English has evolved not only in relation to its extension in the world, but as a consequence, there has been changes in the sociolinguistic profiles of those who study it, of those who teach and of course those who learn it. At the beginning of the third millennium, the scientific and technological development, globalization as a social phenomenon and the enormous development of communication technologies have resulted in a different context for teaching and learning of English (Moirand 2002 45).Constructivism VS. Structuralist
The communicative approach developed as a result of a lot of scientific debates about a better way of language teaching.
This approach has its roots in the work of linguist Noam Chomsky, who has contributed a lot in the relevant field (Moirand 2002 49). Before this approach, structuralist approach was getting popularity. The theory maintains that every language is a system of complex structures nested inside each one (work by Saussure and SKINNER) other. Chomsky has a totally different approach. He introduced the concept of acquisition device language "(literally translated as" language acquisition device or LAD"). According to Chomsky, every human being has the natural ability to adopt a language and its features. This theory is based on the observation of Children who master their native language in less than four years without formal education. Therefore, for Chomsky, there are several different systems, but not a single "universal grammar."
These concepts are based on the principles of constructivist theory and cognitive approaches to language learning. This led to the concept of inter-language, based on observation of the child's language development from birth to his mastery of language. The child constructs his own language, from an initial phase until he gets complete proficiency in the language. Thus, these new observations suggest that students in a foreign language learn the same way and must build their own internal language and communication ability (Moirand 2002 45). Threshold Level
The development of linguistic theories led to the emergence of the communicative approach. In 2005, that the Council of Europe defined the "threshold level of English as a model for all other languages. This concept was developed because the US army aims to communicate with the people of the countries they land into. So a minimum and basic, linguistically simple version has been devised to facilitate effective communication. This would meet the minimum language requirements (Miller Slater 2006 7).
A few functions like asking for directions or buying anything could be performed by non-native English speakers. So functional aspect of language learning needs to acquire by acquired by the new learners. Thus was born "notional-functional approach, also called" common approach ", which still immensely inspires language learning methods.
Teaching Application
It is to be noted that applications of the communicative approach cannot be done without ...