Engineering And Hrm

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Engineering and HRM


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Engineering and HRM” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “HRM” and its relation with “Recruiting people coming from a background of engineering”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Engineering and HRM” and tries to gauge its effect on “organizational progression”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Engineering and HRM” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Engineering and HRM” on “the future of engineering candidates”.

Table of Contents


Engineering and HRM1


Relationship between HRM and Organizational Performance1

The existence of the relationship "HRM - Organizational Performance"2

HRM and Engineering: A case-in-point3


Engineering and HRM


For the purpose and objective of understanding and comprehending the whereabouts of how a company excels, one must give the credit to the discipline of human resource management, which embodies and imbibe within itself the notion of 'staffing', along with the four major principles of management. Human resource management (HRM) covers the most important aspects of developing and establishing an effective and efficient organizational machine, which would help the company excel in their associated fields.

Relationship between HRM and Organizational Performance

HRM holds a direct and positive relationship with organizational performance, which is, with an effective human resource department working zealously and adopting a tenacious attitude, induction and hiring of quality human resource shall take place, which will yield healthier outcomes and profitable returns to the company. In the late 1970s, Americans and Europeans were wondering about the outstanding performance of Japanese companies. The observation showed that these companies do not have natural resources and production factors significantly cheaper, did not have a fundamentally different organisation and did not choose strategies brilliant (Vakola & Bouradas, 2005). Only one thing made them different: the quality of their human resources. For several years, human resources are central to the debate on the sources of organisational performance. Analysis and studies accumulate to demonstrate the contribution of human resources (HR) - considered a source of competitive advantage - and the function of human resource management (HRM) performance of the company. Meanwhile, the employee share (ES) is the subject of numerous studies attempting to demonstrate its contribution to business performance through its possible positive effects on HR. The purpose of this paper is to shed some light on the contribution of the HRM function - including through the ES - the company's performance.

The existence of the relationship "HRM - Organizational Performance"

Let's start by briefly define what we mean by performance of the organization. It is a multidimensional concept and complex, not limited solely to financial results and the evaluation of which can be done by measuring several organizational outcomes, external and internal. We investigate the contribution of HRM function to improving business performance. This objective refers to two things: - the performance is a form of success, the company's success. It is therefore a positive action - the purpose of our research is to evaluate the effects of ES on the company's performance, so ...
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