Energy Crises

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Energy Crises

Energy Crises


Energy is considered as one of the most significant features for any country or nation. It is because of the reason that, energy plays a leading and vital role in driving the economy of the country. In addition to this, energy may also help the countries to enter in new markets. Therefore, it can be said that, energy is the biggest and the most prominent resources of country's economy. According to various researches and studies, various issues were faced by Great Britain, regarding the shortage of energy. The country faced various crises or issues in the area of energy, which significantly influenced the reputation of the country. Afterwards, with the increase in population, the field of energy also faced various crises. It is because of the reason that, high population rate also increased the consumption of energy. This phenomenon led the entire world towards energy crises. These energy crises significantly influenced the economy of the entire world (Nef, 1977, pp. 2-4). The proceeding paper incorporates the discussion which compares the energy crises of the Great Britain with the energy crises of today's world. In addition to this, the paper also demonstrates the similarities and differences between both the crises.


Compare and Contrast

Researches and studies demonstrate that, in mid of the sixteenth century, Great Britain had its first crises of energy. The energy crises of that era greatly influenced the integrity and reputation of the state in the entire world. Reports show that, energy crises of that era were due to deforestation. It is because of the reason that, the country had a huge supply of trees and forest and the entire country was dependent on wood, for the generation of energy. With the passage of time the government of the state regulated the utilization of wood for building ships. ...
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