Apple Vs. Android

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The Competition between Apple and Android Smart Phones


In this paper, we try to explore the competition between Apple iPhone and Android in the Smartphone industry in a holistic context. The paper provides general information on iPhone and Android presence in today's world and also provides market analysis and market research of both in the competitive market.

Table of Contents




Market Analysis8

Market Research9


Market Analysis14

Market Research14


The Competition between Apple and Android Smart Phones


Advancements in technology over the last 20 years have drastically altered the way we live and do business. The continued evolution and development of mobile device technology will increase the need for security protocols and forensics of these devices. Technology has permeated almost every aspect of society from the way we communicate to the way information is discovered about a particular subject. Mobile phones are the most plentiful, always on, and connected computational platform in existence. Mobile phones are also the most ubiquitous sensing platform. The ability of these devices to sense and infer information about the world around them enables us to create heretofore impossible—timely, contextual, and relevant systems. The world is faced with a number of daunting problems to solve; growing energy crises, global warming, and crippling obesity in the face of world hunger are all very real problems in our daily lives. More powerful computers will allow experts to study these problems at a large scale; however, these problems remain very real and present; many require more than simple policy changes or guidelines; indeed they require the distributed effort of hundreds of thousands of individuals, each of whom is already overwhelmed with too many things to keep track of and too many tasks vying for time (Schneiders 2011, 102).

Mobile phone environment can be viewed as a mobile ecosystem, which is characterized by a large and complex network of companies interacting with each other, directly and indirectly, to provide a broad array of mobile products and services to end customers. From network operators, platform developers, application developers, content and service providers, to consumers, these are the stakeholders who are impacted by the behaviors of the mobile phone system. Playing different roles in the ecosystem and having different levels of concern, the expectations these stakeholders have on mobile phones are diverse. As a result, building security to mobile phones requires the understanding of the mobile phone operating environment, the elements on the phones which are significant to the stakeholders' activities, and the set of security requirements they would have on them.


Apple Inc. is one of the largest U.S. corporations. Initially the company was based Apple Computer in 1976 by three people, but the third co-founder does not believe in the success of the venture and sold its shares (10%) for 800 dollars. However, the company has become one of the few in the industry, quickly conquered the market. The first personal computer (Apple initially began to specialize on them, rather than bulky computers that occupied an entire room for) Apple I became quite ...
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