Employment Relationship

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Trades Unions Introduce an Unnecessary Element of Conflict into the Employment Relationship

Trades Unions Introduce an Unnecessary Element of Conflict into the Employment Relationship


The employee and labour relations were the most crucial and challenging activities of human resource management, as it have to deal with trade unions on regular basis to meet the demands of employees. But, today, this trend is declining as the service industry has started to flourish, where white-collar workers and professional are hired for all the work. This has led to individual employee relations with the employer and has resulted in success due to the effective employment relationship management. It is an important factor for building positive and long-term relationship between the employee and organization for the achievement of organizational objectives successful in the global business environment. It requires setting of organizational objectives and individual employee objective and meeting them simultaneously.

Today, organizations are focusing more upon human resource development where all these issues of employment relations and collective bargaining are dealt effectively and their personal objectives are given importance to meet the standard requirement of performance for achieving the ultimate organizational goals. Employment relations are related to the management and regulation of employment relationship in its political, economic, social and legal context.

The trend for trade unions have started to decline due to the increasing individualisation of the employment. The trade union decline over the last two decade has been witnessed due to the shifts in industrial structures, political antipathy towards the union movement, greater individualisation and flexibility in the management of labour, changing social attitudes and an increasingly diverse labour market. The “employee voice” is being used where the employee-employer relationship is managed more effectively through involving employees in the organisation's decision-making process. Trade unions no doubt bring unnecessary element of conflict in the employment relationship. It is important to analyze the interests of the employees and the employees in order to evaluate the level of conflict. . The employment relationship does not get getter when there is an influence of trade unions, rather individual initiative by the employer and employee leads towards long term mutual relationship. The employment relationship can only become effective when there is effective human resource management and mutual employment partnership.


Employee Interests Employees are the most important part of the employment relationship. In order to develop an effective mutual employment relationship, we need to understand the diverse interests of the employees. When these interests are given important by the employer, then a mutual unitary relationship emerges. The role of trade unions become redundant when there is a unitary and mutual employment relationship between the employees and the employer.

First of all, survival and income are the basic interests or motivators for an employee. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, basic needs are the first layer which employees seek to achieve. These are the physiological needs such as food, air, and shelter. The conflict in the employment relationship occurs when these basic needs are not ...
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