The State Should Stay Out Of The Employment Relationship

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The State Should Stay Out Of the Employment Relationship

The State Should Stay Out Of the Employment Relationship


The ability to achieve a healthy and fair working relationship between the management and the employee is one of key features in employee relations. It is very important to determine whether the involvement of the Australian Government in the employment relations should stop or continue. Extensive researches and studies have been conducted in order to attain broader knowledge and perspective on the involvement from various people. It is quite certain to say that is existence of several specific laws that are created to ensure stable income for workers and to ensure job security. On the contrary, it is argued by the Coalitions perspective as they believe that since small businesses are the grass roots for the rise and growth of the Australian economy so they should be allowed to create legislation that suits them the best.


Australian labour market and its structure is considered to be very dynamic and unique, responding to economic, technological, social and demographical changes, which influence its demand and supply. The labour market in Australia has experienced several changes in reference to trends in unemployment (Pittard & Naughton, 2010). The term unemployment is best referred to as the willingness of the people to work, not being backed up by the supply of jobs. The issues of industrial and employment relationships are very common in the global market and have led to serious problems.

Similarly, the system of conciliation and arbitration are widely used in Australia; to promote co-operation and to settle industrial disputes. The unique system has not only protected the rights of the Australian workers, but has also promoted their well being. Over the past few years, there has been a series of significant and massive changes in the Australian employment relation for example; there has been a shift from centralised wage rate to enterprise based wage rate system (Riley & Sheldon, 2008). It has also been observed that slowly and gradually federal institutes that are owned by government are trying to influence the employer relationship in Australia.

During the last few years, in Australia, reforms regarding employment relations have been centralized to government. By the end of 1980's, with the cooperation and efforts of the strong union movement, a trend of enterprise bargaining was initiated by the Labour government. This was attempted to decentralize the employment relation system (Landsbury, 2009). With the passage of time Coalition government introduced and proposed more radical reforms designed to individualize and separate employment relationship ad also emphasized on reducing union involvement. On the contrary, employer's reaction on these recent changes varied. As some attempted to propose non-union agreements, even though there was strong opposition from the existing workforce, many others introduced more cooperative and flexible approaches to change.

The main role of the state is to safe guard the rights of all the citizens of the country. If a person becomes an employee that does not exclude him to attaining his rights as a ...
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