Employee Relationship

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Employee Relationship

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Employee Relationship


A management's philosophical and the leadership style mainly affects the recruits of the company. Traditional management endows instructions to their employees and employees are compelled to follow it. However, on the other hand, progressive management empowers human resource to make their decision on their own and be accountable for it. All the changes in philosophy along with the leadership styles are controlled by the management.

Adaptation of the organization is regarded as the organizational effort so as to adjust into the environment. Businesses, on the other hand, take numerous shapes during the adapting period in the new environment. The range of organizational adaptation varies from minor changes reflecting in individual employee actions to radical restructuring on the whole of the organization. Many a times, however, companies have the issues of structural inertia), due to which they do not tend not to change the organization structure dramatically, despite changes in the environment (Dana, 2005, p: 36).


All organizations are made up of distinctive social, as well as cultural setting; this culture of the organization is established by the behavior generated by the employees through the social connections. The beliefs along with the behaviors establish as to how a business's employees and management interact with one another, handling the business transactions. Time and again, business culture is inferred, not explicitly clear, and expands organically over the passage of time through the snowballing persona of the employees the organization hires. The culture of the companies ought to reflect in the employee's dress code, the office hours, setup of the organization, benefits gained by the employee, turnover rate of the business, hiring and firing decisions, client's treatment, satisfaction level of the client and all other operational feature (Petriglieri, 2011, pp: 225).

As the organizations seek to improve their own processes of business, they need to identify the need and significance of the best practices that have been implemented by them though the implications of the IT. During the period between 1980s and 1990s, the concept of employee appraisal, benchmarking and performance check was only restricted to the large, private, successful organizations. This is due to the fact that they could afford to implement the technological advances within them. However, these days, the technological advancements and other forms of modernizations have transformed the concept of communication and have opened up an entire information based world for the business people and their employees. Los cost internet based benchmarking services are now in easy access for all the business organizations belonging to any sector.

Every employee is offered a package in accordance with the job specifications. The employees who are well educated and have high level of working experience in their job are offered better packages as against those who are hired at an Entry or fresh graduate level. This is a universal phenomenon and it is followed by every organisation. However, the main issue that needs to be addressed is the role that is played by the Compensation and Benefits in the development and ...
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