Employee Coaching

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Employee Coaching

Employee Coaching


Coaching is a versatile method whose facets can not be represented in an article. This article attempts to present the basic idea and a possible application in the context of leadership. Because coaching has now also have managers in small and medium businesses the opportunity to increase employee morale. This will improve the working atmosphere on the one hand; on the other hand, the increased motivation has a positive effect on job performance.

Ask an assembled group of managers how many have a clear perception of the difference between coaching and mentoring and at the least a substantial minority will admit that they are very confused. The two terms are often used interchangeably. Members of a particular professional group may attempt to seize the practitioner high ground by depicting coaching as a highly skilled, non-directive endeavour and mentoring as a directive, instinctive form of advising; only to be refuted by another group, which entirely reverses the definitional characteristics. Even the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, the most active body in bringing the worlds of coaching and mentoring together, cannot achieve a single definition acceptable to all.

The holistic scale, consistent focus on performance - the motivation, not to themselves, to profile, but others strongly to do. And successful, and the secret of success is to accurately know partner to and correctly assess - and measures to its individual learning curve to match all . There is a good observer and sympathetic listener, and needed a competent sparring partners in situations of failure, of personal conflict or difficult decisions."

Theme 1: Coaching By Managers - Is That Possible?

A Definition Of Coaching

There are circulating the different views and definitions of coaching.

As we understand it in this text, is coaching staff manual, instruction, guidance and promotion of staff to cope with the tasks.

perceived by an external coach is coaching a consultation form in which it recognized the support, development and the change in professional actions of a person's about. Coaching is usually considered a consultation process used for management, the external coach is accompanied by one. It by two to three hours, held talks in the manager's advice on their careers and their operations, given the / claim takes. External coaches usually have a qualification to advise and to coach and work under a separate method. Executives, however, are often not trained to coach and yet we beat coaching for executives preparing for all levels. (Portwood & Granrose, 1986, 107-119)

The Peculiarity Of The Situation When Their Employees Coached Executives

Coaching the executive added by the beginning all in a rather unusual situation. The role as a manager is added to the role as partners in development processes.

Because his area of responsibility, the supervisors also own interests in a rapid and perhaps measurable success coaching. He would like his employees to succeed, but also the sense that they act professionally and in his success of the combined company an eye on the. Therefore also coaching staff to correct must be used ...
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