Employee Branding

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Employee Branding & Human Resource Management

Employee Branding &Human Resource Management


We live in the era of globalization where is it easy to have access to international markets. International market comprises a number of brands of similar industry. To survive in cut throat competition is very difficult. Therefore the survival of company is dependant on the image of its brand. Firms use its brand to create the identity and most important purpose of branding is to differentiate its products from its competitors. Brand is an intangible entity which have form, signs, symbols and identity. In other word strong branding demands consumer involvement (taylor, 2010). The main purpose of branding is to develop and maintaim the relation ship with their customer. Due to rapid changes companies are required to constantly innovate and reengineer. Therefor companies need dedicated employees who intentionally and unintentionally take care of company. In this regard the importance of branding employee has earned much significance.

employee's role in brand literature is as crucial as delivering services promised by the brand. Interview conducted from employees implies that the their roles are very vitla to promote brand. Finding of study suggests positive relationship among internal instrument of branding and brand promised delivery. Brand commitment, brand identification and brand loyalty are influenced by these tools. So these internal branding at one hand influence employees performance with reference to brand promise and on other hand it also directly influence employees attitude towards brand ( Punjaisri K, 2007).

This paper is aimed to assess the possible conflict of organizational culture and the national culture of a local subsidiary mostly focusing on HR practices. In the first place, the relevant definition of culture will be discussed which will be business oriented and afterwards it will be proceeded by the underlying assumptions regarding human resource practices. Then we will discuss what solutions are available there to avoid differences of culture among employees working under the same roof. Finally, we discuss the impact of branding employee on the firm and how company brands its employees.

Literature review

A number of studies have shown that employee branding is the most vital for branding product. Brand image cab be improved if brand promise is lived by each employee of the firm. Finding suggests that behavioural branding of employees leads to company's success. So how and who will conduct internal branding of the company where multicultural workforce works under the same roof. Here the role of HR is very important. Organization uses its culture to have control over its subsidiaries. It serves to control the behavior of employees, inculcating them values and norms that tend to produce the desired results. In fact, corporate culture is managed by means of HRM practices. So in this way "like minded", individuals are become part of organization through socialization by providing them training and personal interaction. This training aims to develop strong organizational commitment by means of different human resource policies like stock option plans, job security, recreational and house accommodation facilities etc and many excellent companies like ...
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