Emotional Intelligence And Learning In Teams

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Emotional Intelligence and Learning in Teams

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Emotional Intelligence and Learning in Teams

Q1) What is the article by Clarke (2010) all about?

The article of Nicholas Clarke is a research paper. The research paper is written on the topic of role of emotional intelligence and its impact on team learning. The article is written with the purpose of to find out the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) and how it can be connected with team learning. The research been conducted by using phenomenological approach and used diary approach by taking 80 MBA students belonging from international backgrounds. The research with findings concludes that EI abilities are emotional awareness and emotional management impact three critical processes. Problem analysis, theorizing cause and effect Relationships, and action planning, as well as processes associated with team learning including team Identification, social engagement, communication and conflict management. In recent years organizations are focusing on the social learning methods to meet changing needs of work force. Social learning means is collective understanding exists between team members as the team is form with the purpose of solving problem (Clarke, 2009).

In today's dynamic environment large organizations hire varied work force belonging from different cultural background, ethnic background, races and creed. This diversity influences the working conditions at work place. Organizations formed teams to solve problems and bring new perspective and ideas to solve these problems. Emotional intelligence is the new variable used by Clarke for enhancing the team performance (Zhou & George 2003).

This emotional intelligence is based on two determinants that are Emotional Awareness and secondly Emotional Management. Emotional awareness refers to the degree to which an individual; is with the inner ability to cope in varied situations. Emotional awareness not only means being aware of oneself but it also refers to the degree to which one can relate other emotion in a given situation. Diverse work force can be managed through knowing the intrinsic needs of employees and emotional awareness is the effective way of understanding the needs of other person. This will help in identifying strength and weaknesses of the employees and architect design. These architected designs will help the employees to enhance their learning skills. Emotional management is the second component of emotional intelligence, which is managing the varied emotions involved in problem solving (Zhou & George 2003).

The major issue that comes with formation of teams is the level and flow of communication among team members. The learning processes influenced by emotional intelligence abilities help in lubricating the level and flow of communication. The critical factors associated with learning, produces and outcome as conflict management and communication. The approach is an effective source of by making teams, comprising of diverse culture and background ensuring to bring unique perspective in problem solving (Zhou & George 2003)

The findings of the above article introduces unique ideas to the Human Resource management of various organization. it added a new dimension to formulate strategies in recruitment and selection of work force.The findings of the above article introduces unique ideas to the ...
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